BF-FieldManual-FEB13 -3.pdf - Bertelsmann Foundation

BF-FieldManual-FEB13 -3.pdf - Bertelsmann Foundation

BF-FieldManual-FEB13 -3.pdf - Bertelsmann Foundation

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24Putin, V. (6 September, 2012). An Asia-Pacific Growth Agenda. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from: www.online.wsj.com25Judah, B., Kobzova, J., and Popescu, N. (2011). p. 26.26Pilling, D. (13 September, 2012). Russia Begins Its Slow and Reluctant Pivot to Asia. The Financial Times. p. 11.27Judah, B., Kobzova, J., and Popescu, N. (2011). p. 26.28Dragneva, R. and Wolczuk, K. (August 2012). p.10.CHINA1Kundnani, H. and Parello-Plesner, J. (May 2012). China and Germany: Why the Emerging Special Relationship Matters for Europe. (ECFR PolicyBrief). European Council on Foreign Relations. p. 5.2Holslag, J. (2011). The Elusive Axis: Assessing the EU-China Strategic Partnership. Journal of Common Market Studies, (2), pp. 297-298.3Geitner, P. (27 June, 2012). US, Europe, and Japan Escalate Rare Earth Dispute with China. New York Times. Retrieved from: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/28/business/global/us-europe-and-japan-escalate-rare-earth-dispute-with-china.html4See US-EU Statement on the Asia-Pacific Region. Retrieved from: http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2012/07/194896.htm5Statisches Bundesamt. (2012). Germany’s major trading partners, 2011. Retrieved from: https://www.destatis.de/EN/FactsFigures/NationalEconomyEnvironment/ForeignTrade/_Graphic/TradingPartners.png;jsessionid=0D1CEEE3D51AB28787C1EC4028B4AEC5.cae4?__blob=poster6Colby, E. (2012). “US-Central European Relations after the “Pivot”. In: Navigating Uncertainty: US-Central European Relations. Center for European PolicyAnalysis. p. 85.7Pawlak, P. and Ekmektsioglou, E. (June 2012). Transatlantic strategies in the Asia Pacific. (analysis) p. 2. European Union Institute for Security Studies.Retrieved from: http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/analysis_asia_pacific.pdf8See EEAS Key Documents. Retrieved from: http://eeas.europa.eu/asia/docs/9For example, see 15th EU-China Summit Joint Press Communique: Towards a Stronger EU-China Comprehensive Strategy Partnership. Retrieved from: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/en/ec8/132507.pdf10See Guidelines on the EU’s Foreign and Security Policy in Asia. Retrieved from: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressdata/en/misc/97842.pdf11Mölling, C. (July 2012). “Trends Within the European Union”. in O’Donnell, C. (Ed.) The Implications of Military Spending Cuts for NATO’s Largest Members.The Brookings Institution. p. 7.12US and European FDI has led to benefits to the Chinese economy greater than the raw stock of FDI (only 1 of global transatlantic FDI). Trans-Atlantic FDI is tied to 45 million jobs, 56 percent of total exports, and a majority of the technology transfer to Chinese companies. See Xu, T.,Petersen, T. and Wang, T. (2012), Cash in Hand: Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in the US and Germany, p. 4. <strong>Bertelsmann</strong> Stiftung and CCIEE.Retrieved from: http://www.bfna.org/sites/default/files/publications/Cash%20in%20Hand%20Second%20Edition%20final.pdf13The Chinese themselves have explicitly identified 11 strategic sectors, such as banking and construction, in which outside actors are heavilyrestricted or must do business via joint ventures with Chinese firms.14Grant, C. (2012). Russia, China, and Global Governance. London: Centre for European Reform. p. 57.15Ibid., p. 5416OECD. (2012). Germany International Trade Statistics (database). Retrieved from: http://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx?datasetcode=MEI_TRD9 0Citations

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