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BF-FieldManual-FEB13 -3.pdf - Bertelsmann Foundation

BF-FieldManual-FEB13 -3.pdf - Bertelsmann Foundation

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13In fall 2012 the EU agreed on a new Energy Efficiency Directive, which sets a new momentum in the EU’s efficiency efforts. Key measures requireenergy companies to reduce energy sales by 1.5 percent per annum and the public sector to retrofit and renovate 3 percent of public buildingsaccording to the latest efficiency standards.14Interview with Thomas Enders, CEO of Airbus.(2012).15EU Commission (2012). EU Transport in Figures – Statistical Pocketbook. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.16See 2009 US-EU Summit Declaration. (3 November, 2009). Retrieved from: http://ec.europa.eu/transport/facts-fundings/statistics/doc/2012/pocketbook2012.pdf17President Obama: “In recent years, a full 25 percent of high-tech start-ups in the United States were founded by immigrants, leading to more than200,000 jobs in America”. The White House Office of the Press Secretary. (10 May, 2011). Remarks by the President on Comprehensive ImmigrationReform in El Paso, Texas. (press release). Retrieved from: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/05/10/remarks-president-comprehensiveimmigration-reform-el-paso-texasTURKEY1Between 2002 and 2011, the country’s GDP grew on average by 5.2% per annum (despite the global recession of 2008–09) and per capita income hasnearly doubled from $ 5500 to $10,500. For more information, see Sidar, C. (20 September, 2012). Turkey’s Fragile Success. Foreign Policy. Retrievedfrom: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/09/20/turkeys_fragile_success; and Taşpinar, Ö. (2011). The Rise of Turkish Gaullism: Getting Turkish-American Relations Right. Insight Turkey, Vol.13(1). Retrieved from: http://file.insightturkey.com/Files/Pdf/insight-turkey_vol_13_no_1_2011_taspinar.pdf;.2Dombey, D. and Guler, F. (10 September, 2012). Turkey’s Economy Runs Out of Steam. The Financial Times. Retrieved from: http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/9b49abc0-fb61-11e1-b5d0-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2DX9C9TMC3Sidar, C., Turkey’s Fragile Success.4Watson, I. and Comert, Y. (18 September, 2012). Report says Turkey’s Kurdish Conflict Has Turned More Violent. CNN. Retrieved from: http://www.cnn.com/2012/09/18/world/europe/turkey-war-within/index.html5Human Rights Watch. (January 2012.) Country Summary: Turkey. (issue brief). p.503-509, Retrieved from: http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/wr2012.pdf; as of 1 August 2012, 76 journalists are supposedly in prison in Turkey, see Committee to Protect Journalists. (October 2012).Turkey’s Press Freedom Crisis: The Dark Days of Jailing Journalists and Criminalizing Dissent. (special report). p.6. Retrieved from: http://www.cpj.org/reports/Turkey2012.English.pdf.6Committee to Protect Journalists. Turkey’s Press Freedom Crisis. p.16.7Paul, A. (19 October, 2012). Turkey-EU Relations: Time to Rebuild Trust. European Policy Centre. Retrieved from: http://www.epc.eu/pub_details?cat_id=4&pub_id=30218European Commission. (10 October, 2012). Turkey: 2012 Progress Report. Retrieved from: http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/pdf/key_documents/2012/package/tr_rapport_2012_en.pdf9Paul, A. (12 August, 2012).Turkey and Iran: an unraveling relationship. Al Arabiya News. Retrieved from: http://english.alarabiya.net/views/2012/08/12/231743.html.10Larrabee, F.S. (11 July, 2012). The Turkish-Iranian Alliance That Wasn’t. Foreign Affairs. http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/137773/f-stephenlarrabee/the-turkish-iranian-alliance-that-wasnt?page=show11Alcaro, R. (July 2012). A Tale of Wasted Opportunities: The EU, Turkey and Iran’s Nuclear Issue. Istanbul Policy Center (issue brief). Retrieved from:http://www.iai.it/pdf/GTE/GTE_C_01.pdf.12Turkey’s Foreign Policy: Growing less Mild. (14 April, 2012). The Economist. Retrieved from: www.economist.com/node/21552602.13In June 2012, 57 percent of Turks in an opinion poll believed that the country should stay out of Syria, 32 percent supported intervention, and 11percent did not know. See German Marshall Fund of the United States. (12 September 2012). Transatlantic Trends 2012. p.77. Retrieved from: http://trends.gmfus.org/files/2012/09/TT-2012-Topline-Data.pdf.14House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee. (20 March 2012). UK-Turkey Relations and Turkey’s Regional Role. (twelfth report of session 2010-2012). p. 66. Retrieved from: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201012/cmselect/cmfaff/1567/1567.pdf15Glaze, B. (3 October, 2012). Nick Clegg Leads Trade Mission to Turkey. The Independent. Retrieved from: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/nick-clegg-leads-trade-mission-to-turkey-8195183.html16House of Commons (2012). p. 68. The UK-Turkey CEO Forum aims to “improve perceptions among the UK business community about doingbusiness in Turkey”.17See Strategic Partnership. Retrieved from: http://ukinturkey.fco.gov.uk/en/about-us/working-with-turkey/bilateral-relation/strategic-partnership.18Cameron ‘Anger’ At Slow Pace of Turkish EU Negotiations. (27 July, 2010). BBC News. Retrieved from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/ukpolitics-1076776819Chrisafis, A. and Hipkins, N. (22 December, 2011). Turkey Freezes All Political Relations with France over Genocide Row. The Guardian. Retrievedfrom: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/dec/22/turkey-france-freeze-relations-over-genocideCitations 8 7

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