BF-FieldManual-FEB13 -3.pdf - Bertelsmann Foundation

BF-FieldManual-FEB13 -3.pdf - Bertelsmann Foundation

BF-FieldManual-FEB13 -3.pdf - Bertelsmann Foundation

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CITATIONSINTRODUCTION1See “Confidence in the U.S. President: How much confidence do you have in the U.S. President (Bush ‘03-’08, Obama ‘09-)?” Retrieved from http://www.pewglobal.org/database/?indicator=6&survey=14&response=Confidence&mode=chart2See 2010 United States National Security Strategy. Retrieved from: http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/rss_viewer/national_security_strategy.pdfTRANS-ATLANTIC ECONOMY1Hamilton, D., & Quinlan, J. (2012). The Transatlantic Economy 2012: Annual survey of jobs, trade, and investment between the United States and Europe. (p. v).Washington, DC: Center for Transatlantic Relations.2Fritz-Vannahme, J. (2012). Für die Vereinigten Staaten von Europa. Spotlight Europe, (13), p. 3.3Testimony of James Quigley (29 February, 2012). Panel on the Future of US Trade Negotiations: Hearing before the US House Committee on Waysand Means, 112th Congress, p. 4.4EU-US High Level Working Group on Jobs and Growth. (2012). Interim Report to Leaders from the Co-Chairs: EU-US High Level Working Group onJobs and Growth. Retrieved from: http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2012/june/tradoc_149557.pdf5Committee on International Trade. (15 October, 2012). Report on trade and economic relations with the United States (report no. 2012/2149[INI]).European Parliament. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?type=REPORT&reference=A7-2012-0321&language=EN6Chase, P. (July 2011) The United States, European Union and International Investment. (GMF Paper Series). The German Marshall Fund of theUnited States. Retrieved from: http://www.gmfus.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files_mf/chase_us_eu_intlinvestment_jul111.pdf7There are certain asymmetries developing in the investment relationship. Whereas Europe still directed 72 percent of its outbound FDI to the USin 2010, the share of US’s FDI to Europe fell to 55.2 percent. There have been some confounding trends in European investment. European banks inurgent need of shoring up their balance sheets have deleveraged international investments. Even as the crisis compels European firms to repatriatecapital, some companies have poured investment into the US. Airbus announced in summer 2012 the opening of a $600 million facility in Alabama,its first US plant. See Hamilton, D. and Quinlan, J. (2012). The Transatlantic Economy 2012: Vol 1. Headline Trends, Center for Transatlantic Relations, (pp.vi-ix).8German Marshall Fund of the United States (February. 2012). A New Era for Transatlantic Trade Relationship: A Report from the Transatlantic TaskForce on Trade and Investment. p. 23. Retrieved from: http://www.gmfus.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files_mf/tatf_report_2012.pdf.9International Monetary Fund. (April 2012). World Economic Outlook Database (data file and code book). Retrieved from: http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2012/01/weodata/index.aspx10Erixson, F. and Bauer, M. (April 2012). A Transatlantic Zero Agreement: Estimating the Gains from Transatlantic Trade in Goods, ECIPE, p. 2. (pp.1-18).11US Chamber of Commerce (2012). Transatlantic Economic and Trade Pact: An Opportunity to Bolster Growth and Job Creation in the United States and the EuropeanUnion. Retrieved from: http://www.uschamber.com/sites/default/files/international/files/17566_TransEconomic_TradePact_OPT.pdf12Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammer (DIHK). (11 April, 2012). Contribution to the Public Consultation of the European Commission on the EU-US HighLevel Working Group on Jobs and Growth. Retrieved from: http://www.rgit-usa.com/fileadmin/ahk_rgitusa/media/pdf/2012/DIHK_COM_Consultation_on_EU-US_Working_Group_on_Jobs_and_Growth.pdf13European Commission (accessed 17 December, 2012). International Affairs: EU-US High Level Working Group on Jobs and Growth. Retrieved from:http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/international/cooperating-governments/usa/jobs-growth/index_en.htm14See the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act 2011 at: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-112hr1249enr/pdf/BILLS-112hr1249enr.pdf15Schwab, S. (2011). After Doha: Why the Negotiations Are Doomed and What We Should Do About It. Foreign Affairs p. 105. ( p.104-117).16Business Roundtable and the TransAtlantic Business Dialogue. (February 2012). Joint Statement: Forging a Transatlantic Partnership in the 21stCentury. Retrieved from: http://businessroundtable.org/news-center/forging-a-transatlantic-partnership-for-the-21st-century17Only the agriculture sector has expressed its preference for a single undertaking in its most extreme form. Other organizations, including TABD,have called for a single undertaking as well but recognize the need to be open to other options.7 8Citations

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