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København - Adria Airways

København - Adria Airways


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supportersSUPPORTERSWearing the team's colours to the game … and to bedtext: Damijan Jagodic photographs: archive supporters club slovencTrue fans lose their voices at basketball gamesEver since we have had televisions in our homes we have watched sports.We have always had outstanding sportsmen and sportswomen, even in thedays of black-and-white TV. First Yugoslav, then Slovene. True fans combinedtelevision images and radio commentary, because the latter described eventsin a more vivid and dramatic manner. As a child I used to stand up when thenational anthem was played and I would tremble with fear and anticipationover whether Srečko Katanec would score a goal, whether Iztok Puc's sevenmetrethrow would go in, whether Bojan Križaj would get down the slope inone piece, whether Miran Tepeš would land safely, whether Marko Milič wouldsink the winning basket and whether Brigita Bukovec would beat LudmilaEngquist… When they did, I would race round the yard bellowing the name ofour country and of the athlete who had brought us victory. At school, lessonswould be interrupted when our athletes were involved in an important matchor competition; elsewhere, work would come to a halt. After fundraising eventsfor our athletes, we would walk home with sheets of paper and commemorativebooks bearing the autographs of our champions. Any photograph of themwas a sacred object.We fit our holidays round championships and supporting our teamThe first time I was part of a crowd of supporters was when we waited in Ljubljanato greet Slovenia's skiing aces as they returned from Lillehammer withtheir Olympic medals. That was the beginning of my supporter's career: myfriends and I would make our way to venues at home and abroad, whereverSlovenia's athletes and national teams were competing. At all times of theyear, in a variety of outdoor venues, stadiums and arenas. Our travelling bagscontain supporters' essentials such as original team shirts, face paints, whistles,wigs and coloured hairspray. Sorting out our make-up and appearance takesus longer than it would to get ready for practically any other function. Yourheart pounds when the star players appear. We show our enthusiasm whenbasketball players who bring hope to the team walk out onto the court. But thisis only the beginning. As soon as the referee blows his whistle, it is time to 'get towork' – not only for the players, but for us too. To the last atom of our strength,no matter what the result, we support our team with applause, shouts, singing,choreographed routines and choruses of the famous 'If you don't jump, you'renot a Slovene, hey, hey, hey!'Basketball and basketball supporting are like surfing on giant wavesThere is no sport with as many upsets or one that demands such a big responsefrom supporters. Even betting is more exciting in basketball. Few games aredecided before the last quarter. There is a battle for the first ball and for everyball after that; a battle beneath the baskets; a robust and aggressive defence;every jump, every assist, every breakthrough is important; we supporters cheerevery ball stolen from the opponent, every escape and counter-attack, and everybasket. How many different shots, free throws and successful three-point fieldgoals that put the team back into contention, not to mention those in the lastseconds of an attack or a game. Good teams never give up a game as lost. Oftenthey manage a total reversal: real miracles. A team that plays ambitiously andwithout fear usually wins. Tension grows when an advantage that seemed tobe enough for a victory starts to melt away, when suddenly everything changes,the defence is no longer working, the organisation has gone, shots are no longertaken calmly, the other team wakes up and puts together an incredible scoringrun. When this happens the following factors come into play: the diversity of theteam, and the spirit, experience, motivation, speed, skill, explosiveness, youth andstrength of the players. Often the key player will make a series of good movesand take all the responsibility on his shoulders. It is important how the team isled, on whose side experience lies, who has the longer bench.Basketball is a game that demands good nerves – from players and supportersalike. Few matches go by without unsporting personal fouls and provocations;a hard match is being fought, difficult to call, and the question is whowill lose their nerve first, who will start questioning the referee's decisions, losethe thread and throw the whole arena into chaos. Whatever our expectations,competitive spirit and wishes, matches usually end in a friendly manner, andsupporters' get-togethers after a match are usually friendly too.Will this be our year? Slovenia's basketball stars told In-Flight Magazine that thesupport of fans – at the clubs where they play during the season, but above allat games with the national side – is enormously important.Jaka Lakovič (Sidigas Avellino): 'I am sure that the organisation of the eventin Slovenia will be at the highest level. As well as some excellent basketball, supporterswill be able to enjoy the sights of Slovenia. I'm not going to make anypredictions about results: supporters will have to see for themselves.'Boštjan Nachbar (Bamberg): 'The supporters at Bamberg, where I play, arefantastic. The arena is always sold out. They are extremely noisy, passionateand very fair. There is never any trouble at our games. I hope that the whole ofSlovenia supports us, and that I get the feeling that the whole country is behindus. We players are hoping for the same support this year that we have enjoyedall these years. Spain and France are the favourites, but there are also hopesand expectations that Slovenia will be among the medal winners.'Goran Dragić (Phoenix Suns): 'In America huge numbers of people come tothe games, but the atmosphere is more theatrical. Everything changes whenthe playoffs begin. That's when they transform into noisy fans. The best atmosphereis always the one created by the Slovenia fans. I would like to invite all ofthem to follow us at EuroBasket. I hope they enjoy the basketball, and of coursethat together we win as many games as possible. I would also like to extend aninvitation to supporters from other countries. They will discover all the treasuresof Slovenia and the friendliness of the people. At the same time they will be ableto see games in different venues on the same day, which is definitely one of thespecial things about this tournament. The sport is very unpredictable and makingpredictions is a thankless task. The favourites are France and Spain, but ofcourse we also hope to be among the medallists. It's a difficult task that awaitsus, but why shouldn't we succeed?'Jože Vozelj, basketball fan and member of the 'Slovenc' supporters club: 'Welove basketball in Slovenia, as proved by our top-level players and loyal supporterswho follow the team en masse at home and abroad. We are alreadyrecognisable in our green jerseys with Mount Triglav on them, and with thehelp of Lipko – the official mascot of the tournament – we will be even more so.Triglav, the linden leaf and the colour green have a place in the heart of everycitizen of this country 'on the sunny side of the Alps'. What counts for us is aselfless performance that brings victories. Defeats hurt but victories give us faiththat we can be the best in Europe. We are going to prove this at our home tournament,both on and off the court, because we are many hearts beating asone. In September, with the help of teams and fans from all over the continent,Slovenia will become a Europe in miniature. Welcome, basketball friends!'I would like to end this piece on basketball supporters and players with a briefanecdote. The young son of a friend of mine was not allowed to stay up late towatch the end of an important game. So he said to his father: 'Perhaps it willhelp if I put on the team jersey and go to sleep in it.' And it did: his dreams cametrue. Let's hope ours do too!77

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