ARP2600 - Fundamentals of Music Technology - Cyborgstudio.com

ARP2600 - Fundamentals of Music Technology - Cyborgstudio.com

ARP2600 - Fundamentals of Music Technology - Cyborgstudio.com


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132 - GLOSSARYPOLYPHONIC - A musical instrument that isable to play more than one note at the same time.PORTAMENTO - An effect achieved when thekeyboard’s control voltage is sent through a lagprocessor. The oscillators glide from note to note.PREAMPLIFIER - An amplifier which is usedat the beginning <strong>of</strong> a signal path to raise the level<strong>of</strong> an in<strong>com</strong>ing signal to that which is required bythe rest <strong>of</strong> the device(s) it will be used with.PULSE WAVE - A waveform which is in one <strong>of</strong>two states: 0 volts or +10 volts. The percentage <strong>of</strong>time it spends in the +10 volts states is expressedas the duty cycle. Square waves are a kind <strong>of</strong> pulsewave. The duty cycle can be varied using a slider,or in some case, can fall under voltage control.Pulse waves can sound nasal to hollow dependingupon their duty cycle.PULSE WIDTH- The duty cycle <strong>of</strong> a pulse wavePULSE WIDTH MODULATION (PWM) - Akind <strong>of</strong> modulation in which the duty cycle <strong>of</strong> apulse wave is changed by an in<strong>com</strong>ing controlvoltageQQ - The figure expressing a filter's resonance.Varying Q varies the sharpness <strong>of</strong> the filter sound.RRANGE - A setting <strong>of</strong> the preamplifier whichdetermines the gross amount <strong>of</strong> amplificationwhich will be applied to the in<strong>com</strong>ing signal.RATE - The frequency <strong>of</strong> a modulator or clock.REDUNDANT PATCH - A patch made with apatch cord which duplicates a patch already madeby a normal. These should generally be avoided.REFLECTION - See Echo.REINFORCEMENT - An increase in amplitudewhich is heard when two identical signals are inphase with each other.RELEASE - The final stage <strong>of</strong> an envelope whichbegins when a key is released.REPEAT - A switch on the keyboard whichcauses the keyboard to consistently output triggerpulses either all the time or when a key is presseddepending upon the setting <strong>of</strong> the switch.RESET - One <strong>of</strong> the ARP sequencer’s main controlbuttons. When RESET is pressed, the sequencerreturns to the first step in the sequence.REVERBERATION (REVERB) - A time basedeffect which occurs when multiple reflections(echoes) return to a listener in such rapid successionthat the listener is no longer able to perceiveindividual echoes, but instead perceives a wash<strong>of</strong> sound.REVERB TANK - A brass tank which containsseveral flimsy springs. When an audio signalpasses through these springs, they generate andeffect similar to the reverberation which occursin natural acoustic spaces. Invented by Les Paul.RING MODULATION - See Ring ModulatorRESONANCE - A frequency at which a materialobject will vibrate. In a filter with resonance, asignal will be accentuated at the cut<strong>of</strong>f frequency.See Q.RING MODULATOR - A module which allowsusers to apply amplitude modulation (also Ringmodulation) to two different waveforms. In Ringmodulation, all <strong>of</strong> the frequencies <strong>of</strong> the harmonics<strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> the two in<strong>com</strong>ing waveforms is

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