Smart & Good High Schools - The Flippen Group

Smart & Good High Schools - The Flippen Group

Smart & Good High Schools - The Flippen Group

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CHAPTER 2: Performance Character and Moral CharacterTHE WISDOM OF THE AGES ON THE POWER OF CHARACTERON PERFORMANCE CHARACTER<strong>The</strong> importance of effort:A teacher opens the door, but you must enter yourself.—CHINESE PROVERB<strong>The</strong> importance of hard work:Nothing worth having ever comes except as the result ofhard work.—BOOKER T. WASHINGTON<strong>The</strong> importance of diligence:<strong>The</strong> best preparation for tomorrow is to do today’s worksuperbly well.—WILLIAM OSLER<strong>The</strong> importance of perseverance:<strong>The</strong> triumph cannot be had without the struggle.—WILMA RUDOLPH<strong>The</strong> importance of confidence:You must do the thing you think you cannot do.—ELEANOR ROOSEVELT<strong>The</strong> importance of courage:Courage is the first of human qualities, because it is thequality which guarantees all the others.—WINSTON CHURCHILL<strong>The</strong> importance of attitude:Everything can be taken from us except one thing—thefreedom to choose our attitude in any set of circumstances.<strong>The</strong> importance of self-discipline:Discipline yourself, and others won’t have to.—VIKTOR FRANKL—JOHN WOODENON MORAL CHARACTER<strong>The</strong> importance of conscience:Do not cut your conscience to fit the year’s fashions.—CATHERINE COOKSON<strong>The</strong> importance of justice:Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.—THE GOLDEN RULE<strong>The</strong> importance of respect:Civilization is an attitude of equal respect for all people.—JANE ADDAMS<strong>The</strong> importance of love:It is not how much we do, but how much love we putinto the doing.—MOTHER TERESA<strong>The</strong> importance of citizenship:<strong>The</strong> only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is forgood men to do nothing.<strong>The</strong> importance of truth:Truth is the only safe ground to stand on.—EDMUND BURKE—ELIZABETH CADY STANTON<strong>The</strong> importance of self-control:Be patient in one moment of anger, and you will escapea hundred days of sorrow.—PROVERB<strong>The</strong> importance of humility:Anyone who makes a mistake and does not admit it ismaking another mistake.—CONFUCIUStalent development show that performance character,including self-discipline and good work habits, is neededto develop innate ability. In their book Talented Teenagers,a 5-year longitudinal study of 200 talented adolescents,Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Kevin Rathunde, and SamuelWhalen note that underachievement on the part of talentedyouth is common in fields as varied as athletics, art,science, mathematics, and music. <strong>The</strong>ir research question:Why do some young people become committed tothe development of their talent, while others drop out?Through their study they found that teens who morestrongly persisted in developing their talent: (1) had astronger “achievement and endurance orientation”; (2)were more likely to develop habits conducive to talentdevelopment (such as focusing on goals whether doingtalent-related work or general schoolwork, being able tospend time alone, and, when they did spend time withfriends, collaborating on hobbies and studying instead ofsimply “hanging out”); (3) had more conservative sexualattitudes than their peers; (4) were more likely to haveharmonious and supportive families; (5) had more productiveschool experiences, including teachers who stimulatedthem, cared about their interests, and modeled24<strong>Smart</strong> & <strong>Good</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>

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