Smart & Good High Schools - The Flippen Group

Smart & Good High Schools - The Flippen Group

Smart & Good High Schools - The Flippen Group

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AcknowledgementsWe would like to express our heartfelt thanks to:All the groups and individuals (listed on page iii), especially the John TempletonFoundation, whose generous support made the <strong>Smart</strong> & <strong>Good</strong> <strong>High</strong><strong>Schools</strong> project possible.<strong>The</strong> Character Education Partnership, for joining us as co-publisher of thisreport.Jim McGowan of Desktop Edit Shop, for his creative artistry on thereport’s design and unflappable cheerfulness in helping us make the reportas clear, correct, and reader-friendly as it could be.<strong>The</strong> two panels—our National Experts Panel and National Student LeadersPanel—that gave us crucial guidance throughout our research and writing.All the high schools we visited and the many practitioners—school leaders,teachers, counselors, coaches, parents, and others—whose promising practicesfor integrating excellence and ethics fill the pages of this report.Our Regional Partners in the <strong>Smart</strong> & <strong>Good</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> project that haveworked so diligently to sponsor Regional Institutes on the report.<strong>The</strong> State University of New York College at Cortland, especially SponsoredPrograms, the Research Foundation office, the Childhood/EarlyChildhood Education Department, and the School of Education, for theirinstitutional support of the <strong>Smart</strong> & <strong>Good</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> project and ourCenter’s ongoing work.Deb Finn, the project’s administrative assistant, for her excellent work incoordinating the myriad details of project management.Marthe Seales, administrative assistant at the Center for the 4th and 5th Rs,for her invaluable editorial and design suggestions.Steve Marstall, our website developer, for his masterful web and graphicdesign assistance.Kathleen Davidson, Meg Paige, and Zack Becker, our research assistants,for their conscientious data entry, transcription, and help in assembling thedatabase of more than 1,400 references.And finally, our dear wives, Judith Lickona and Suzanne Davidson, for theirwise counsel and steadfast support at every stage of this work.vi<strong>Smart</strong> & <strong>Good</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>

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