An Evaluation of the World Bank's Trust Fund Portfolio

An Evaluation of the World Bank's Trust Fund Portfolio

An Evaluation of the World Bank's Trust Fund Portfolio

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CHAPTER 3THE RELEVANCE AND EFFECTIVENESS OF TRUST FUND SUPPORT FOR DEVELOPMENTBox 3.5 <strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Fund</strong>s Need Flexibility in Matching Aid Modalities to Country ConditionsThe EFA/FTI was established to provide support quickly and consistently with countries’own education sector strategies and programs. Sector budget support is <strong>the</strong>refore itspreferred funding modality. But this mode <strong>of</strong> support has not always proved appropriatein all cases, and EFA/FTI has in some cases adjusted to country circumstances.• In Rwanda, <strong>the</strong> government views EFA/FTI as “a model aid program” because itsfunding supports <strong>the</strong> government’s own education program and is deliveredthrough sector budget support using Rwanda’s country systems. While <strong>the</strong> fund ismultidonor at <strong>the</strong> global level, <strong>the</strong> government needs to interact with only <strong>the</strong>partner managing <strong>the</strong> fund at <strong>the</strong> country level.• In Ethiopia, <strong>the</strong> major government education program receives project supportfrom a pool <strong>of</strong> financing including EFA/FTI, IDA, and o<strong>the</strong>r donor funds. Thoughquestions were raised in an independent evaluation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> EFA/FTI programabout <strong>the</strong> choice <strong>of</strong> project ra<strong>the</strong>r than sector budget support, this was <strong>the</strong> onlyviable approach under political circumstances that made donors unwilling toprovide direct support to <strong>the</strong> government, and it contributed substantially.• In Benin, EFA/FTI was provided as pooled sector budget support along with IDAfinancing, but <strong>the</strong> weak government consensus around an education strategy didnot warrant this type <strong>of</strong> support, and <strong>the</strong> program encountered significantimplementation problems.Sources: Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Benin case studies.3.24 Still, trust funds, like o<strong>the</strong>r sources <strong>of</strong> aid in <strong>the</strong>se circumstances,have <strong>of</strong>ten run into challenges <strong>of</strong> very weak capacity on <strong>the</strong> ground,difficulties in interacting with o<strong>the</strong>r aid agencies, and tensions betweenshort-term and longer-term needs. In Aceh, for example, MDTF supportfor disaster reconstruction was successful in quickly and efficiently fillinggaps in <strong>the</strong> much larger amount <strong>of</strong> funding from <strong>the</strong> government,bilateral agencies, and NGOs. But because <strong>of</strong> differing government anddonor perspectives on how <strong>the</strong> trust fund should operate, it haddifficulty moving beyond initial relief and reconstruction to longer-termincome generation and capacity building projects—a change made in <strong>the</strong>restructuring <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> trust fund in 2010 (Disch, Karlsen, and Vigeland2009).3.25 In post-conflict situations, trust funds have been particularlyimportant as a source <strong>of</strong> grant support in <strong>the</strong> absence <strong>of</strong> a nationalgovernment able to borrow from <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> Bank or o<strong>the</strong>rdevelopment banks. The achievement <strong>of</strong> objectives, however, hasbeen heavily constrained by weak environments and exogenousfactors. As a result, while individual activities have <strong>of</strong>ten achievedwhat was intended, <strong>the</strong>re has been less success with programoutcomes overall. The two post-conflict case studies for thisevaluation, Timor-Leste and <strong>the</strong> West Bank and Gaza, and severalo<strong>the</strong>r externally evaluated cases illustrate both <strong>the</strong> considerablepositive contributions <strong>of</strong> trust funds under <strong>the</strong>se specialcircumstances and <strong>the</strong> obstacles to overall success (see box 3.6).33

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