An Evaluation of the World Bank's Trust Fund Portfolio

An Evaluation of the World Bank's Trust Fund Portfolio

An Evaluation of the World Bank's Trust Fund Portfolio

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CHAPTER 3THE RELEVANCE AND EFFECTIVENESS OF TRUST FUND SUPPORT FOR DEVELOPMENT<strong>Fund</strong>, some country studies have reported that <strong>the</strong> fund has drawnaway existing capacity available in <strong>the</strong> health sector more than it hascontributed to building new capacity with transversal expertise (asnoted above in box 3.4).DONOR COORDINATION AND HARMONIZATION3.51 Virtually all government <strong>of</strong>ficials, donors, and Bank staffinterviewed as part <strong>of</strong> this evaluation’s country studies see <strong>the</strong> trustfund mechanism, especially multidonor trust funds, as having <strong>the</strong>potential to foster policy coherence among donors and bring toge<strong>the</strong>rwhat would o<strong>the</strong>rwise be piecemeal aid contributions. This poolingeases <strong>the</strong> burdens on governments <strong>of</strong> dealing with multiple donors byconsolidating interactions and reporting requirements, which iswelcomed by recipient governments and is particularly valuable forcapacity-constrained recipients in post-conflict and post-disastersituations. Notably, trust funds organized around formal or informal(MDTF) partnerships help to get donors on <strong>the</strong> same page based on atransparent set <strong>of</strong> objectives and procedures. But country andprogram reviews suggest that <strong>the</strong> actual gains to enhanced aidcoordination are, on <strong>the</strong> whole, less than generally claimed. There arefour main reasons for this finding:Actual gains toenhanced aidcoordinationand donorharmonizationare less thangenerallyclaimed.Limited incremental impact on aid coordination. Whilecountry-specific trust funds typically demand in-country aidcoordination, <strong>the</strong>y tend to rely on existing processes (alongwith aid from o<strong>the</strong>r sources), so it is difficult to isolate howmuch <strong>the</strong> trust fund mechanism itself contributes to improvedcoordination. The coordination among trust fund donors willtypically be strong, but between this group and o<strong>the</strong>r donorsoutside trust fund arrangements, <strong>the</strong> coordination will be asstrong or as weak as <strong>the</strong> overall aid environment in <strong>the</strong>country permits. 10 Indeed, in Rwanda, where <strong>the</strong> country-ledaid coordination process is strong, <strong>the</strong> government is seekingto move away from <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> separately organized trustfunds, to larger “baskets” or pooled financings that workthrough country systems. Moreover, some trust funds workthrough <strong>the</strong>ir own coordination mechanisms, and this causesduplications and inefficiencies. 11Lack <strong>of</strong> a clear complementarity or division <strong>of</strong> labor between<strong>the</strong> large vertical funds and <strong>the</strong> horizontal assistance <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>World</strong> Bank (and o<strong>the</strong>r MDBs) for longer-term sectorwidedevelopments. This well-documented challenge has led <strong>the</strong>health-related funds to create a joint funding platform with <strong>the</strong><strong>World</strong> Bank for coordinating support for health systemstreng<strong>the</strong>ning. But <strong>the</strong> more that a vertical fund moves in <strong>the</strong>direction <strong>of</strong> providing horizontal assistance, <strong>the</strong> more it movesaway from <strong>the</strong> original rationale <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fund, and <strong>the</strong> more43

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