American Handgunner March/April 1981

American Handgunner March/April 1981

American Handgunner March/April 1981

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Above, High StandardMilitary .22LR belowLeupold Modei'.S 2X on. Weav.~ J" extensionrings and # 16 bases.Selow, Colt .38 Specialconversion equippedwith grip mount andadapter for Sushnell1.3X Phantom Scope.Above, Ruger Mark I with bullbarrel sporting Leupold Model8 2X mounted with Weaver I"rings and Weaver No. 32 bases.properly mounted on their target pistols.This is especially true with the A5 Aep.Like any new idea, there are few instructionson "how to" information available.The basics offiring an accurate shot withan iron sighted pistol demand that thesights be aligned perfectly, the triggerpressed smoothly and straight to the rearwithout disturbing that sight alignmentuntil the pistol is fired and the bullet getsout of the barrel. It doesn't sound likemuch, but a multitude oferrors can occur,and usually do, in this seemingly simpleprocess. One of the greatest ofthese errorsis improper sight alignment. A misalignmentof 1I100th of an inch will move thepoint of impact 3 inches at 50 yards. Withan optically sighted pistol "sight alignment"is accomplished with the scope; andall of the shot dispersement (error) ordinarilyattributed. to faulty sight alignmentwith iron sights is eliminated. Ashooter need only to look thru the scope,placing the reticle as close to the desiredpoint of impact as he can hold, andsqueeze the trigger straight and'smoothlyto the rear until the shot breaks. All ofthose ugly sevens and eights normallydue to the front sight beingover to one side or slightly highin the rear sight notch as the shotis fired, will now be nines andtens. All of the concentration directedto perfect sight alignmentwith conventional iron sights can now beplaced on holding ability, trigger squeezeand follow thru.Some new scope shooters are at firstdeterred by the more apparent wobble ormovement of the scoped pistol. For thosewilling to go back to the disciplines of(Continued on page 48)Above, close-up of altered LeupoldGold Cup slide mount as described intext. Scope was raised with weldedshims to insure cle~ce for cases.Left, accuracy improves dramaticallywhen the scope is added on the pistol.On the .45, good mounts are a mustto insure scope will not come loose.AMERICAN HANDGUNNER ' MARCH!APRIL,<strong>1981</strong>Colt National Match .38 Special midrange with Sushnell Magnum Phantom 1.3Xmounted on a Custom Grip Plate Mount by D. W. James solves problem of theslide with scope and mount attached that becomes too heavy to function right.33

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