NEDBANK CAPITAl - Nedbank Group Limited

NEDBANK CAPITAl - Nedbank Group Limited

NEDBANK CAPITAl - Nedbank Group Limited

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OVERVIEWIn August 2009 <strong>Nedbank</strong> <strong>Group</strong>announced a new structure for the <strong>Group</strong>Executive Committee. As part of thenew structure Graham was appointedto the newly created position of ChiefOperating Officer (COO) and as anexecutive director of both <strong>Nedbank</strong><strong>Group</strong> <strong>Limited</strong> and <strong>Nedbank</strong> <strong>Limited</strong>.In his role as COO Graham has overallaccountability for several of the centralfunctions in <strong>Nedbank</strong> <strong>Group</strong>, namely<strong>Nedbank</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Finance, Balance SheetManagement, Information Technology,Human Resources, Marketing,Communications and Corporate Affairs,and Strategic Planning, as well asresponsibility for managing the alliancewith our Pan-African banking partnerEcobank.Business approachOver the past six years <strong>Nedbank</strong> <strong>Group</strong>has focused on addressing the basics ofbanking and building the performanceof the bank for the next phase of growththat it is now able to embark upon.The central functions housed within theCOO portfolio have a key role to playby operating in a coordinated way toenable the frontline business clustersto be well-positioned and supportedin order to compete strongly in themarkets in which they operate.In this regard it is critical that,through the strategic planningprocesses undertaken each year, thegroup determines its key strategicchange thrusts to achieve its growthobjectives, and that we ensure thatthe scarce resources required in termsof appropriate allocation of economiccapital, technology projects, specialistpeople skills and the marketing ofthe brand are aligned in an efficientand effective manner to support thefrontline business in order to achieve thegroup’s key strategic change thrusts.Transition from <strong>Nedbank</strong>Corporate‘Over the past six years it was agreat privilege to head <strong>Nedbank</strong>Corporate and be involved in thebuilding of the businesses with asuperb cluster executive team whoare valued friends and colleagues.It has been wonderful to see manyexecutives in the cluster achieveoutstanding results both in theircareers and personally. I will alwaystreasure this as a very special time inmy career and thank my colleagueson the <strong>Nedbank</strong> Corporate ExecutiveCommittee over those years formaking it such a special journey. Toeach member of staff I thank you formaking a very important contributionto the growth of the businesses andwish you all the best in the future.I am delighted that Mfundo Nkuhluwas appointed to head <strong>Nedbank</strong>Corporate and I know he will be anexcellent leader of the cluster.’GROUP REPORTSOPERATIONAL REVIEWSManagement teamTrevor Adams (47)<strong>Group</strong> Executive: Balance Sheet Management14 years’ serviceBCom(Hons), CA (SA)John Bestbier (54)<strong>Group</strong> Executive: Strategic Planning.14 years’ serviceBBusSc (Actuarial); CA (SA)Smit Crouse (33)Executive Head: Ecobank Alliance2 years’ serviceLLB, LLMRaisibe Morathi (40)Chief Financial Officer3 years’ serviceBCompt(Hons), CA (SA), H Dip Tax, AMP(Insead Business School)Fred Swanepoel (46)Chief Information Officer13 years’ serviceBCom(Hons), MBA, SEPSA (Harvard and WitsBusiness School), AMP (Harvard BusinessSchool, USA)Ciko Thomas (40)<strong>Group</strong> Executive: <strong>Group</strong> Marketing,Communications and Corporate AffairsJoined 18 January 2010BSc, MBAShirley Zinn (48)<strong>Group</strong> Executive: Human Resources5 years’ service.DEd (Harvard)GOVERNANCE81<strong>NEDBANK</strong> GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2009

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