Annual Report 2007-08 - the Parliamentary and Health Service ...

Annual Report 2007-08 - the Parliamentary and Health Service ...

Annual Report 2007-08 - the Parliamentary and Health Service ...

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Applying our Principles to ourown work• Getting it right: reducing <strong>the</strong> numbersof complaints about us; ensuring we arecomplying with legislation applicable tous; effective auditing of our policies<strong>and</strong> procedures.• Being customer focused: publishingour reports in a variety of formats toimprove accessibility; establishing <strong>and</strong>publishing customer service st<strong>and</strong>ards;using feedback from our surveys <strong>and</strong>from complaints about us to help usimprove our service.• Being open <strong>and</strong> accountable:maintaining clear audit trails for ourdecisions; publishing our policies <strong>and</strong>procedures; demonstratingaccountability through reportingopenly on our performance.• Acting fairly <strong>and</strong> proportionately:making evidence-based decisions takingaccount of materiality <strong>and</strong> risk; puttingin place internal processes which ensurethat our decisions <strong>and</strong> remediesrecommended are consistent <strong>and</strong> fair.• Putting things right: improving ourcomplaints procedures <strong>and</strong> processesto make <strong>the</strong>m easier <strong>and</strong> clearer forcustomers to navigate <strong>and</strong> use.• Seeking continuous improvement:reviewing <strong>the</strong> effectiveness of changeswe have made to our structures <strong>and</strong>processes; acting on lessons learnedfrom this <strong>and</strong> our performance; investingin new ways of working <strong>and</strong> ourinfrastructure to support better delivery.Getting <strong>the</strong> most from staff,systems <strong>and</strong> financial resourcesApplying our Principles of GoodAdministration to our own workEnsuring that we live up to our ownprinciples of what makes for goodadministration is of fundamentalimportance to us, both internally <strong>and</strong>in <strong>the</strong> way we carry out our casework.We maintain a constant focus onimproving how we do our work <strong>and</strong>putting in place improvements wherenecessary in <strong>the</strong> service we provide.Investing in our people <strong>and</strong> takingforward our Equality <strong>and</strong> DiversityStrategyPHSO successfully achieved Investorsin People re-accreditation in <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>08</strong><strong>and</strong> we directly invested nearly £400,000in <strong>the</strong> learning <strong>and</strong> development of ourstaff over <strong>the</strong> year, supported by adedicated team. Particular emphasis thisyear was on management training witha Management Development Programme<strong>and</strong> an Aspiring to ManagementProgramme being introduced. Substantialeffort was also put into improving <strong>the</strong>effectiveness of our performancemanagement systems. We will bebuilding fur<strong>the</strong>r on this in 20<strong>08</strong>-09.We have continued to implement ourEquality <strong>and</strong> Diversity Strategy withrelevant awareness training. A WorkforceDiversity Action Plan was agreed includingtargets of increasing <strong>the</strong> number of black<strong>and</strong> minority ethnic staff working forPHSO to better reflect <strong>the</strong> profile ofpotential complainants. Performanceagainst this is being regularly monitored.82

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