Open - Ina

Open - Ina

Open - Ina

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Health protection, safety andenvironmental protectionEnvironmental protectionLike every oil company in the world, with its activitieswhich include - exploration and production, processing,storage and sale of oil, oil products and gas - INA cansignificantly influence the environment. Hence, pursuantto law regulations and best practice, these measures andindicators of environmental protection are monitored on allrelevant locations, including: emissions into air and water,management of hazardous and non-hazardous industrialwaste, accidents with environmental impact and similar.With a goal of continuosly lowering the adverse effect onthe environment and aiming at harmonisation with regulatoryframe of the European Union, business activity at<strong>Ina</strong> is continuously upgraded according to principles of sustainabledevelopment and adjustment to EU regulationswhich regulate the environmental protection domain.In 2007, a significant portion of activities was dedicated toharmonisation of business with the European regulatorystandards from the environmental protection field.Within the process of harmonising national legislationin environmental protection with European unionstandards, Decree on Technical Standards for Protectingthe Environment from emissions of volatile organiccompounds that are the result of storage and petroldistribution (OG 135/06) was adopted in 2006, throughwhich Directives on control of emissions of volatile organiccompounds (94/63/EZ) are included in the Croatianregulatory system. Moreover, 2007 was the year when theDecree on Border Values for Air Emissions from StationarySources (OG 21/07) was adopted. This Decree transfersprovisions of Directive 2001/80EZ on limitations of airemissions from large combustion plants.Aiming at implementation of the said by-laws, in 2007 INAprepared detailed perennial plan documents with definedproject activities and pertaining financial resources.Hence, Sisak and Rijeka Oil Refineries, Logistics Sector andRetail Network Management Sector have adopted plansfor projects and investments over the following yearswhich will ensure timely implementation of activitiesnecessary for harmonisation of the business activity withEuropean standards.Sisak Oil Refinery made great efforts in 2007 to improveand solve technological problems, which resulted insignificant improvements in air quality in the area recordedon Sisak 1 immisions measuring station which is includedin the state network for air quality monitoring.Annual report 200721

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