Open - Ina

Open - Ina

Open - Ina

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Corporate socialresponsibilityOur success does not depend solely on financialperformance but also on the fulfilment of all stakeholders’expectations in the field of social responsibility andenvironmental protection. In order to earn their trust weconduct our business activities ethically on a daily basis.For more than 40 years INA has been supplying fuels andother oil products to the consumers and legal entitiesof Croatia and neighbouring countries. Our productionfacilities, terminals and retail sites are located in everycorner of the country and thus INA is involved in the lifeof local communities. In many ways INA has contributedto the development of local communities by providingsupport in financing road construction, water supply andother infrastructural facilities, particularly in the areaswhere oil and gas exploration and production has beencarried out. In the 1980s INA participated in the funding ofvarious construction projects including schools, hospitals,holiday homes for its employees and other activities.This concept was abandoned as INA commenced itsrestructuring and focusing on its core activities. In therecent years INA has been announcing public invitationsfor project sponsorships and donations.career development. Workers’ rights and obligationsare regulated on the basis of a Collective Agreement,labour regulations and company bylaws. The three tradeunions active in INA represent the workers in negotiatingCollective Agreement terms with the employer. Those areSING, INA© and EKN.The confidence of our stakeholders is gained through theunderstanding of social, environmental and ethical issuesand the fulfilment of set requirements which is essentialfor meeting the objectives we impose on ourselves.We have good and stable relations with our suppliers ofcrude oil, natural gas equipment and other materials, butprecedence is given to Croatian companies, especiallymembers of INA Group. Being one of the largest employersin Croatia, our goal is to recruit competent and skilfulemployees and to offer them an opportunity for furtherAnnual report 200727

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