Open - Ina

Open - Ina

Open - Ina

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Financial resultsChanges in accounting policiesIn the current year, the Company and the Group haveadopted and applied all new and revised Standards andInterpretations issued by the International AccountingStandards Board (IASB) and the International FinancialReporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC), which referto their operation and are effective for accounting periodsthat have commenced on January 1st 2007, (MSFI 7Financial instruments), as well as IFRIC 7-10 interpretationswhich have been effective since 2006.Adoption of new and revised interpretations has notaffected the changes in accounting policies of INA Group.Most important financial data for 2007INA Group - financial data 2006 2007 % changes(MSFI) HRK mil USD mil HRK mil USD mil HRK mil USD milNet income from sales 23,434 4,016 25,848 4,819 10,3 20,0EBITDA 2,474 424 2,803 523 13,3 23,3Operating profit 974 167 1,020 190 4,7 13,9Net financial profit (loss) 131 22 113 21 (13,7) (6,1)Net profit 883 151 869 162 (1,6) 7,1Net cash from business activities 1,429 245 2,416 450 69,1 84,058 Financial results

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