Open - Ina

Open - Ina

Open - Ina

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tion. Within the programme of continuing rehabilitationof the subsurface, new equipment for exploitation wasprocured which provided for significant hydrocarbonsrecovery enhancement from 34 wells within the Refinery.Implementation of the programme for reduction ofbenzene emissions/immissions and reduction of pollutionof air with hydrogen sulphide from Rijeka Oil Refinery -Urinj location is under way.At the Rijeka Oil Refinery (Mlaka location) all plants areadjusted to heating on gas and as of November 2007,all process furnaces and boilers use solely natural gas asenergy source.At the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Division, thenumber of pipeline ruptures has been continuously decreasingas the result of major investments in replacementand repair of pipelines.Unforeseen events with environmental impactDuring 2007, 16 accidents with environmental impact wererecorded at <strong>Ina</strong>, which is one less than the previous year.Most common causes were attempts of theft of liquefiedhydrocarbons from pipelines, installation of improvised devicesand pipeline/oil line leakage, but also breakdowns, that is,damage of processing equipment and spilling of the product.Health protection andoccupational safetyHealth protection and occupational safety are one of thepriorities of our company.With systematic care for the health of our employees and withconstant improvements of working conditions, we maintaina safe and healthy work environment. Activities we carry outin order to maintain safe working conditions and health ofemployees are connected to the realisation of legal obligationsfrom the field of occupational safety and fire protection.Special attention is given to constant education, the trainingof employees for work in a safe manner, the training ofsalespeople on petrol stations in the field of fire protection andoccupational safety, preparation of danger evaluation for workpositions, conducting fire protection drills and high qualitycommunication as the basis for implementing healthcare andoccupational safety.Annual report 200723

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