ISSUE 107 : Jul/Aug - 1994 - Australian Defence Force Journal

ISSUE 107 : Jul/Aug - 1994 - Australian Defence Force Journal

ISSUE 107 : Jul/Aug - 1994 - Australian Defence Force Journal


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22 AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCE JOURNAL NO. <strong>107</strong> JULY/AUGUST <strong>1994</strong>Figure 1A Comparison of the Queenscliff 92 Doctrine with the Existing Appreciation ProcesstfQUEENSCLIFF 92 DOCTRINE1SELECTION OF FACTORSFactors are selected as categories of information.All the information relevant to the aim must be ableto be expressed in terms of the factors. Existingguidance in tactical and operational appreciationsis still valid.tPRIORITISING FACTORSFactors are prioritised in terms of their importanceto the aim. The decisive factor in terms of the aim isselected first. Then all other factors are prioritised.1ANALYSING INFORMATIONThe decisive factor is wargamed against the aimreferring to all the information available: to identifykey deductions, and highlight information requiringfurther analysis, and to define any constraints orfreedoms affecting possible courses of action.All the information is then wargamed against eachof the other factors in turn. During this stage thecommander may wish to reconsider which is thedecisive factor.1IDENTIFYING COURSES OPENAfter all the factors have been wargamed the aim issubjected to a task analysis. The object of taskanalysis is to identify what must be done to achievethe aim. By linking these conclusions with thosefrom wargaming it will be possible to derive workablecourses of action.THE EXISTING PROCESS 1TREVIEW OF THE SITUATION1SELECTION OF THE AIM1SELECTION OF FACTORSFactors are selected from a list developed for militaryuse. More detailed guidance is provided forspecific tactical and operational appreciations.VPRIORITISING FACTORSFactors are arranged to ensure the logical considerationof the information. They can also be prioritisedas either overriding or pervasive.kANALYSING INFORMATIONThe information is distributed between the factors.Starting with the first factor each piece of informationis subjected to an exhaustive process of deductionin relation to the aim.l 1IDENTIFYING COURSES OPENCourses of action are considered as factors. Deductionsare drawn from the analysis of information.These deductions are crafted into courses of actionusing professional knowledge.i rSELECTION OF THE BEST COURSE1OUTLINE PLAN

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