ISSUE 107 : Jul/Aug - 1994 - Australian Defence Force Journal

ISSUE 107 : Jul/Aug - 1994 - Australian Defence Force Journal

ISSUE 107 : Jul/Aug - 1994 - Australian Defence Force Journal


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COUNTERING TERRORISM IN AUSTRALIA THROUGH COORDINATION 45Exercise Brindabella was held in Canberra in May 1992. Three of the key overseers,Senior Sergeant Graham Waite of the NT Police who was an umpire; Superintendent Brian Brinkler of the AFPwho was chief controller and the exercise coordinator Senior Sergeant Rowland Legg of theVictoria Police (then on secondment to the Protective Services Coordination Centre) get a briefingfrom Detective Sergeant Peter Drennan of the Special Operations Team (AFP).Over the past two decades. Commonwealth andState governments have adopted a consistent policytowards terrorism. This has included a determinationto oppose terrorism and to uphold the rule of law.support for international cooperation as the mosteffective means of combating terrorism, emphasis onpeaceful and legal counter measures, readiness to takefirm action to bring terrorists to justice, acceptance bythe Commonwealth Government of a leading role indeveloping a coordinated national capability tocounter terrorism and cooperation by the State andTerritory governments in developing plans and providingresources in support of the national capability.These principles have provided guidance to the operationalagencies, particularly the police, in developingappropriate capabilities.National Counter TerrorismOrganisationThe primary organisation for consultation and cooperationbetween Commonwealth and State governmentagencies concerned with maintaining a defenceagainst terrorism, is the Standing Advisory Committeeon Commonwealth/State Cooperation for ProtectionAgainst Violence (SACPAV). SAC-PAV has twoimportant functions:• to propose to heads of Government steps to ensurenationwide readiness and co-operation between relevantCommonwealth and State Government agenciesfor the protection of Australia from terrorism; and• to bring together bilateral and nation wide arrangementsbetween the Commonwealth and the Statesto deal with protective security and counter terrorismplanning including aviation security, the protectionof holders of high office and the NationalAnti Terrorist Plan. 4In discharging their responsibilities. SAC-PAVmembers refer appropriate matters to their governmentsand otherwise represent their State or thenational interest at the six-monthly meetings of thecommittee. SAC-PAV has not been without its difficulties,but generally these have been overcome by allmembers developing a better understanding of eachagency's responsibilities and through a good spirit of

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