State of Management of South Africa’s ... - WWF South Africa

State of Management of South Africa’s ... - WWF South Africa

State of Management of South Africa’s ... - WWF South Africa

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STATE OF MANAGEMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA’S MARINE PROTECTED AREASPUBLIC EDUCATION AND AWARENESS 12Are there any educational programmes occurring to make the local community and general public aware <strong>of</strong>your MPA, whether run by your agency or outside <strong>of</strong> your agency? There is no education and awareness program 0 There is a limited and ad hoc education and awareness program, but no overall planningfor this component 1There is a planned education and awareness program but there are still serious gapsThere is a planned and effective education and awareness program fully linked to theobjectives and needs <strong>of</strong> the protected area 3Do these programmes reach the appropriate user groups (stakeholders)? None <strong>of</strong> the identified stakeholder groups are engaged in education programs 0 Some groups have been reached while others are excluded 1 Only those stakeholders who express interest are typically involved in education program,though all are invited 2 All identified stakeholders are engaged in education programs 3Are there any interpretative brochures about your MPA that you provide for the public? No brochures available at the MPA 0 Brochure for Park, incorporating section on MPA. English only. 1 DEAT brochure available and/or MPA brochure in English 2 Specific brochure for MPA available in different local languages 3Are there any interpretative signs indicating that the area is an MPA and providing general information aboutthe MPA? No signs 0 signs inadequately placed, or too few 1 Signs old/vandalized or difficult to interpret 2 Signs well placed easy to interpret 32INTERACTION WITH STAKEHOLDERS AND COMMUNITIES 18What is the conservation authorities’ view on the importance <strong>of</strong> positive relations with local communities andassociated efforts? Not important 0 Somewhat important, no specific management activities 1 Very important, occasional efforts made in this respect 2Positive relationships with local communities are critical, specific efforts are made in thisrespect 3Are there any legal arrangements with local communities? No agreements exist 0 No agreements exist, but co-management agreement is being prepared 1 Co-management agreement exists, but is not being implemented 2 Co-management agreement exists and is effectively being implemented 3Is there open communication between local stakeholders and MPA managers? No communication 0 There is communication between managers and stakeholders but this is not a planned orscheduled program 1Pg 175

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