Designated Check Pilot Manual - Civil Aviation Authority

Designated Check Pilot Manual - Civil Aviation Authority

Designated Check Pilot Manual - Civil Aviation Authority


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(Pakistan <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Authority</strong>)DCP <strong>Manual</strong>i) Engine-Out Missed Approach (Do not confuse with “Balked Landing - AllEngines Operating”) Should not to be initiated unless the conditionsspecified below are met.a) Not below 50 feet AGL.b) Not below IAS normally used for flap setting selected during finalapproach.j) Flapless Approach To be cancelled at a minimum of 50 feet AGL andfollowed by a missed approach where flapless approach IAS exceedsnormal landing flap approach IAS by more than 20 KIAS.k) Flight Controls - <strong>Manual</strong> Reversion to be performed in appropriate FlightSimulation Training Device only.l) Rejected Take-off to be performed in the appropriate Flight SimulationTraining Device whenever available.m) Runaway Trim/Jammed Stabilizer to be performed in the appropriate FlightSimulation Training Device only.n) Stop and Go Not allowed; must use full available runway length.o) Touch and Go: Must meet critical field length or balanced field lengthrequirements, as applicable.6.12 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES FOLLOWINGAN UNSUCCESSFUL CHECK RIDE6.12.1 Administrative procedures include action to be taken when a Company pilothas not met acceptable standards. Such actions shall include:a) notifying the Chief <strong>Pilot</strong> and/or Operations Manager (insert as applicable)of failed items and recommendations as to corrective action;1 st Edition Page 52 of 80 May, 2011b) ensuring that grades and evaluation of the failed check are recorded in theindividual's training and check records. A PPC report shall be completed foreach flight check, including any terminated during pre-flight preparation, orbefore all air exercises are completed, and;c) immediately notifying the <strong>Authority</strong> that the pilot has not met the standardsfor a PPC/IRC or instrument rating. A DCP may conduct a re-test of a failedPPC or IRT. An Inspector must conduct/monitor a second re-test of a failedPPC, IRC or IRT.d) suspension of an instrument rating when the pilot fails to demonstrate anadequate level of competency in those sequences which form the Standardsfor the instrument rating. The DCP will immediately notify the Pakistan <strong>Civil</strong><strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> to ensure that a notice of suspension or cancellation isissued.NOTE: The procedures outlined in Paras a, b, and c are also applicable tounsuccessful Line <strong>Check</strong>s.

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