The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism

The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism

The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism


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noEinal sentences. For an author to coltrpose a sentence thathas the verb "to be" understood (for the possessive alativeconsEructlon) that he also intenaleal to be understood as prrely"nonina1" nould defea! hls purpose, For a sentence with averb understood 1s slill not a nominal sentence (except inr 65form) since it 1s only the pure nomlnal senteoce tha! generatesthe tlneless and gnonic qualitles that ell verbal sentence(either !rith expresses ve!b or unalerstood verb) 1acks,3lFor these two reasons, then, I \rould not suppose that theda!ive use in Bll9 1s one deno!lng possesslon. Instead, 1tseens llkelier thal it is the comnon dative <strong>of</strong> rela!ion, Ido not c1aifir that the other cannot be xlght, but the percentagesseen to ne to be on the slde <strong>of</strong> the refererltlaI datlve.Here ls a 1isr, then, <strong>of</strong> possible !ranslations <strong>of</strong> f!.119 putinto descending order <strong>of</strong> probability:I. For Dran, da im6n ls 6thos ( or, egbgg is2, :'{an has a dalmon Ethos.3, ]!an's atlo. t" hts aaimOn (or,4.:lanrs 6rhos js 4$Eq! lsa u rr on'-li'i, his dain6nda lrn6n) ,<strong>The</strong>re are a nunber <strong>of</strong> po1Irts to be made about these ,possibJl-his Srhos)is e!!r9 q)rrThF onlv srDle rl.er Snvth adduces !o lllustrace the da!ive <strong>of</strong>possessor that is also no:r{nal ls Xcnophon. Cyrop.8,l,22:'rdv d/odrtiilov rc B).fiovra w!-ov

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