The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism

The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism

The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism


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262OEto, Walter F. Dionysus.-Myth and Cul!. Trans, with an intro. by RoberrB. Pal-ner. Bloonington: Indiana University press, 1965,&'er, c. E. L. "E1ea!ic Quesrlonsrr, !!, N,S, 10(r960),94-102, Rpr, inFurley/A11en, 1I, 48-81,Olrens, Joseph. "<strong>The</strong> Reellcy <strong>of</strong> rhe Arlslotelian Separare Movers", BSIlgg<strong>of</strong> Meta., 3(1950), 319-37.A Hislory <strong>of</strong> Ancien! WesEern Philosophy. New York: Appleton-C entury-Cr<strong>of</strong>ts, 1959."Tbe Interpretatlon <strong>of</strong> the Heraclltean I'ragmerts" itt etr ftt"tt.r.Cilson Trlbute, ed, Cherles J. 0rNeil. Milwaukee: MarquerLe UnlversllyPress, I959. Pp. 148-68.the Doctrlne <strong>of</strong> Being ln the Aristorellaa Metaphyslcs. 2nd ed.Toronto: Pontlflcal lnst{tute <strong>of</strong> Medieval Studies. 1963."Namlng ln Parmenides" tn Kephalalon: Srudles in creek ?hilogophvand Its Conti.nuation Offered to Pr<strong>of</strong>essor C. J. de Vogel, eds.J, Manfeld and 1,. 11. de Rilk, Assen: Van Corcun, 1915. pp.t6-25.Parientier, Lion. Rechelches sur Le traile'at'Isis eE dlosiris. Brussels:Hayez, 1913.Patrick, c. T, H. the Fragnents <strong>of</strong> the Ilork <strong>of</strong> Heraclilus <strong>of</strong> Ephesus: OnNalure. Balti$ore: N. Murray, 1889. Rpr. ln HeracliEus <strong>of</strong> Ephesus.Intro. arld select bibliography by l,elrls A. Richards. Chlcago: ArgonauE,1959.Pauly-wissowa-KroLl-ZLegler. Paulys Real-Encyclop5dle der classischenA1t ertunsw isserschaf t . Neue Bearbelrung. Herausgegeben von CeorgWissoua. Stultgart: lletzler, f894-1938. Suppf.-Bd. I-, 1903- .Pe'pin, Jean. Id{es crecoues sur I'hot[ne e! sur Dieu. Parls; Les Be11esLettres. 1971.Pickard -Canbr ldge, A. W. "Revlev <strong>of</strong> Macchioro's Eraclitorr,30-L!!, 36(1922),<strong>The</strong> Dranatic Festlvals <strong>of</strong> Athens. 2nd ed. Oxford: Claredon.1968.Popper, v'ar1 R. <strong>The</strong> Open Socletv and Its Enemies. Vol,1: IlS_lpgl!_glPlato. 5th ed. Prlnceton: Univetsily Press, 1966.Rabinor,ritz, !,t, Gerson and W. L Malson. "lleraclltus as Cosmologist", Rev.Ue!e., 10(1e56), Ramnoux, C16ence. Hefacl{te ou lrhonulle entre 1es chosgs et les no.s-?atis: Les Be1les Lettles, 1959. 2nd ed. (unchanged up to p.384),1968,

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