The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism

The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism

The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism


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CIIAPTER 3:NEGATTVE THEOI-OGY ?FroE| !1ne to tine durlng our expos!tlon <strong>of</strong> Heraclltusrtheology so far we have had occasion to polnt out that hlsviews con!ained eleroents 1n conmon with tradlttonal Greekthought. Such a fact arould scarcely need retel-11n9 eere 1tnot for the fact that there persists the tendercy to inEglnethe presocratic philosophers as falrly burstlng upon the sceneirlth a brand ne\r way <strong>of</strong> thlnking and set <strong>of</strong> princlples rhichhad thelr roots solely ln thelr own genluses and not ln anypreexlstent cultural background. I do not meen to bellttIethelr genlus or the grea! lntellectual strldes they took, but,as Corn fordonce sald,uhen ue dlrell upon thls llberty <strong>of</strong> thought, we nust not be nlsledinto pu!ting another conslruction upon 1t, and imag,lning thatThales or Anaxanaader !,ras llke Mam on the day <strong>of</strong> h16 creatlon,with no tradilion behlnd hln, no lnherlaed schene <strong>of</strong> thlngs, opentnghis innocenl eyeg on a oorld <strong>of</strong> pure sense Lnpresslons not asyet co-ordlnated into aoy conceptual structure.'It nust not be deened a detractlon fron thelr Sreatness toadroit happil.y tha! the presocratlcs r'orked \rlthitl an ilrherltedworfd <strong>of</strong> beliefs and prlnclples so basic as to go unnotlced'Cornford,Fron Rellgton to Philosophy, (London,19l3),2-3. Cornford'searl"- classic is not <strong>of</strong>tel read Dow due to it6'runcrltlcalborroqt.iings fron ihe chen fashionable school <strong>of</strong> lreltch soclologyrr (Vtastos, gE,f/A,I,97 n,f9). Yet ihe dust raised flon this book has yet to settle conpletely(or, for that nalter, from his final thoughts on the subject containedin his Principium Saplentiae,ICambridge,1952]). Not ever the senstblerenark quoted above has co.lvinced everyone; cf. Frgnkel, !!!!,255: "purephilosophy, divorced from all extlaneous associations, cade inlo exlstencesudalenly aod !,iihout visible causerr,t7 6

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