The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism

The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism

The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism


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227rarae aves ilr ancient tioesr and E- seems to be no exception.Iiever!heless, in nany lrays ll . i6 put into an aobiguousposition tha! Dodds has caIIed that <strong>of</strong> the "modernis!", whereln one respect the thioker could be ca11ed an atheist sitrcehe lnpiously denles the accepted verELons <strong>of</strong> the gods, and inanother respect, he could be seen.as "puftlng piety on asound founalaci<strong>of</strong>l" (Dodds, Bacchae,104). <strong>The</strong> problen <strong>of</strong> labeIsaIId tags is, <strong>of</strong> course, our proble.o and not his, but hls contenpora!iesst1L1 night have appoved or d!sapproved <strong>of</strong> hi.stheories for reasons not so dlfferent fron rrhat Dodds desctibes.Eerce i.t nust be adoitted that fieraclitusr "tsodernlst"!endencies do leave hln open to a charge <strong>of</strong> inpletyor, $orss yet, ethelsE in !he op!oion <strong>of</strong> traditionallsts.Eveo so, it is evident !o the oore open Dlnd that such enlightenedviens do not necessarily presuppose a lack <strong>of</strong> re-119 lous fee1{ng,-I! 6ighl 6Iso be uorth noting that the exlstence <strong>of</strong>rellglous feellng does not necessarlly presuppose a lack <strong>of</strong>philosophical acunen. Because the modern fashion favo!s theuon-religious side <strong>of</strong> philosophical lnqulry, lt ls a tenptatlodto apply oLrr Eodern clterla to ancient specula!1on.<strong>The</strong> resulEs can be rewardlng, bl]t the me!hod can also be nisleadins.<strong>The</strong> ldtte! result 1s i11us!ratecl in the recent i"rork)-{gaillet us quc!e Dodds (Bacchae,bei[g asked 'Eorr can bread be cod?' repliednot a daa der..oid <strong>of</strong> religious feellng".ru4-)J: IEe lrtstllnan wno'Whatelse lrould it be?' was

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