The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism

The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism

The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism


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hunan capabllities even though it is the litmus tes! for divintty.And third, divinity and hunanity are on a continuum,This last point is shown in fr.79.\^/.a!-r. /9 reads: Gvnp vnlLog n ouoE rlpog octtuovog or,a(l)qll€p^\t-/nq.Lg npog d.vbpos. One dlfflcufry with rhts saylng 1s rryirgto decide the exact neaning <strong>of</strong> dainonos here. Thls r^roril too,111 be discussed in detail when lle come to fr.l19. <strong>The</strong>re itui11 be proposed !bat lre conslder the word as a general synonymfor !b!!9, inplying divine power ralher than a dlvlne entity,cf. beIow, p,156-62. Hor^rever, what 1s most 1rlterestlngabout this sentence Ls the facl tha! the contrast <strong>of</strong> god andnan is cashed out ln !erns <strong>of</strong> a propoEt!on o! tnean, A:B :: B:C,Thts observalton was, <strong>of</strong> course, the lmpetus for Frlnkeltsfanous study "A ThoughE Pu!Eern in Heracli!us" in uhich hetraced thls pa!tern through many frr. <strong>of</strong> H. 0ne <strong>of</strong> the mostsuggestlve aspec!s <strong>of</strong> thls pattern is that i! sets 8od and rnanon the same scale <strong>of</strong> nature6, on a contlnuun, naklng the differencebe!ween !he !no one <strong>of</strong> ilegree anil not klnd,57 p..79tells us, then, that just as both child and nan dLffer by thea2)/lor frUnkel's article see 4J!, 59(1938),309-37 (parts reprintedin Presocrarics, ed. A. Ilourelatos (N.Y.,1974),214-28), Frunkelis study tsvaluable because 1t is lhought provoking, but Kirkrs crlllclsm lhat he"tries !o brinB under lhis heading many fragnents \rhich are equally susceptible<strong>of</strong> other explaratlons" (Ki!k,78) i6 justiJied,)lalcovich de[ies that lt lles Fr5nkel's lntentlon to 'lake lt look asif god and oan eere on a conlinuum, though he admiis that "tt lright lookso" (l.Iarcovich,488). I.Ihether or not Frlnkel did nean thls (11 obvlouslye:as not his entire objective) ls not very inportant. We are lnterested inuhat H, inlended. And I believe that this lnterpretatlon <strong>of</strong> fr.79 correctlyleilec t s HeracfiEusr aIn.

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