The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism

The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism

The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism


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B. AO|OI: ACC0Ui{I 0R CosuIC PRIA-CIPLE? (see above, p-40 n.26)aa n.- .ri'rd.nfor^.,oh ro have read thus ta( oay undersrandablybe wondering irhat happened to lleraclitus' logoslehre, ttlaL fanous docErinethat is usually iaken to be absoluEely central to both his netaphysics andhis theology.<strong>The</strong> reason that iE has hardly even been inentioned up to thispolnt is that I do noc believe that E. espoused any such thtug, This appendixl"'ill be devoted to an explication <strong>of</strong> rhis view.<strong>The</strong>re is no denying thac lhisopinion is heterodox. Almost everyin!erpreter sioce Sextus Enpiricus has thought that li. $as proclal.ning theexlstence <strong>of</strong> a cosiric principle called lhe LoSos (usual1y capltalized toloake it look more powerful (?) and not underltned) that steered the i"/ot1dand i!s flox. Nonetheless there have beeo dissenters fron chis v1ew,though conpaled to the nunbex <strong>of</strong> coEmentators lrho have held thatlhetedoes exist a logos-doclrine in ll. the nudber is quite smal1. (<strong>The</strong>secondary literature on the logos-doctrlne ls vast, adding up to over onehundred itens in Roussost Ileraklit-BibliographleI Darns t ad E , I9 7 I ] ard thalwould no! include passing references or rorks aflet 1970.) <strong>The</strong> 1is! <strong>of</strong>those w\o say H. does not have a logos-docLrine are:J. Barnes, I, 59Burnet, 133 n.I; !&, I5(I90I), 423+H. conperz, lhilosophical studies, (Bostoo,1953), 94-5owerrs, "IdEerpretaEion <strong>of</strong> Heracliteen Frr.",I56 & n.2I_, History oI AnciFnt lJest, Philos., (\.Y.,1959), 45 n. l0J. sheerin,"stud, in the rnterp.et. <strong>of</strong> Heraclilusr ?roem", (diss.,1957)q. surig, De betekenis var Losos bii lt-, (Nijneser,1951)' i.rl Dulch w.--"^5-l IA. raylor, ep. classon, l- 9l f!e9_!-!!!9.,i(1952),217west, EGPo, I24-9.Any reference in this appendir to the above oanes I,iEh pages refers tolhis list. A speciaf case is represented by lhose who claim that logosin E. has no special neaning but end up reifying it in some way (<strong>of</strong>Een by

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