The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism

The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism

The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism


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"tleraclitus' Contrlburion ro rhe Developnenr <strong>of</strong> a tanguage forD rr:l lcdos.hirhto q(tOAal 71-7260Kneale, Ii, "Tine and Ere.nity in <strong>The</strong>ology'', !4q, 6I(1960-l), 87-r0B-(ranz, lI. "Kos.aos aLs philosophischer Begriff fr{lhgrlechisher Zeit", 3\!!-oloeus, 93(1938), 430-48.------ and Hernam Diels. See Diels, 1952.r5trxx1i, Franz. Von Chaos zun Koslnos. Basel: Friedrich Reinhardr, 1962.l,attinore, Rictmond. Thqnes ijl creek and Latin Epttaphs. Urbana; Universit v <strong>of</strong> T | | lan is DrFss I 062.Legge, !., trars. Philosophunena. 2 vo1s. New York: l4acditlan, 1921.l-idae11, Eenry George and Robert Sco!!, A creek-Engllsh Lexicon. 8th ed.Oxford: Claredon, 1901. 9Eh ed, Revised and augDenled by Sir eenryStuart Jores. Oxford: Claredon, 1940.LonB, A, A. "Eeraclitus and Sroicism", Phllosophi.a lAthens], 5-6(1975-6),t 33-56.llacchioro, Vlttorlo D. Etaclito: Nuovi stud sul1' orflsno. Barl: Larelza,tron orpheus to Paul: A ilisEory <strong>of</strong> Orphism.Holt, I930 ,New York: HenryMacEahon, J, H., trans. <strong>The</strong> Refutalion <strong>of</strong> AII Heresies by llippolvlus,Edinburgh, 1868. (Vo1.6 <strong>of</strong> Anre-Nicene ChrlsEian Library,)llarcovich, 11. "lleraklettos" l]1 PauIy-Oissowa, Realencvclopldie der c1ass.Alter. Suppl.-Bd. X, 1965, 246-320., "T?0]OY IiCE4Ot", Ziva Al1cika, 15(1965-6), 28I-2. Spanlsh versionin his Esludios de Fllos<strong>of</strong>le griega, I. Merlda: Unlversity <strong>of</strong>LOS AndeS - rvo). tD.)J-)."Eippolytus and lleraclitus", Studia Patristica, 7 (1966), 255-64,lTexte unC UntetsuchunAen zur Geschichte der ALtchristlichen Lileratur,Bd .92. lIleraclitus: Creek Text wilh a Shorl Courmenlarv. Merida: I-osAndes Universily ?ress, 1967.Mayer, GoEtlob. lleraklil von Ephesus und Arthur Schopenhauer. Ileidelberg,1886, Pp.47 .McDiarrcld, J. B. "<strong>The</strong>optrastus on lhe PresocraEic Causes", HSCP, 61(1951),85-l 5d, ::(cerpf rpr. in Furley/A1lcn, T, 178-238.

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