The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism

The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism

The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism


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93lrolld view.only then n11I we be llke men a\rake aod notasleep, ILke those able to hear and not the deef. 0n1y thendo I'e begin to !ise ebove !he Dundane hur,ran 1eve1 and ascendhlgher ilrto the d iv lne.By way <strong>of</strong> sutanary for our ilscusgion <strong>of</strong> fr.102, let usask this questlon: Does lnjus!1ce exist fot Il. or not? <strong>The</strong>ansrrer must be two-fo1d. For on one leveI injustice surelydoes exlst since it ls part <strong>of</strong> lhe nay <strong>of</strong> the world that 16ever at war and changlng due to the essentlal unlty <strong>of</strong> opposltes.We nay pick out o! nane one thlng asrjustiand naneanothe! as'unjust',but the tl,o are ln reallty always foundtogether, <strong>The</strong> inportan! thiog to realize ls that the tuostlll do exlst; their constaot conlunctlon does not negate thefact that there a!e st111:tl,o thiags conlolned. Ye! onanother level, there ls only lustlce. For 1t is Just that inju6ficeand lustlce are one.64 <strong>The</strong> rray <strong>of</strong> the uorlil 1sdeened good and lust by H, not because any one evtl \rhen fulIyunderstood turns out to be ln fact good (so Cleve lnterp!etstr, 1,101). This would be to clain lhat evl1 and injustice isan 11luslon, No, the lrorldr s llorking at large ls gooal, eventhough it 1s actually made up <strong>of</strong> varlous ev11s at constant warwlth !hel.! good couIIte!parts. <strong>The</strong> role <strong>of</strong> dlvlnlty in aIlthls ls that it 1s !hc no!e than human inslgh! that acceptsthls as so and takes lt to heart and then acts accordingly.64Th1" ,g..." $lth Frlnkel who says that Bl02 asserts that righttriunphs rrnot as a vlctoE over r^rrong aod 1n desplte <strong>of</strong> it, but together rithand lbanks to wrong. Itat there exlst both good and bad, is good" (!9!!,375! but aliter in "God",243 and cf. the oplnlons in n.55, p.79 above).

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