The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism

The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism

The Theology of Heraclitus: a Presocratic Pantheism


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C. <strong>The</strong> lnterpretation <strong>of</strong> 1r.67ttaving latd the necessary groundsork for the examination<strong>of</strong> this collplex seying, we now turn to the lrtterp!etatlon<strong>of</strong> 1ts various statenents. And since every translation isl-tse1f an lnte!pretatl<strong>of</strong>i, <strong>of</strong>ten r.re will fiBd ourselves ln-'volved ln discussions <strong>of</strong> the best t!anslatloo Lnto Engltsh,though oever forgetttng tha! the real Deaning lies in G!eek.1) d 9eoe<strong>The</strong> ftrst tlro I'ords are among the hardest, though in asense their translatlon 1s easy, Ho theo6 neans'rthe goilrr.Yet !,rhat does that nesn? If we could ans\rer !hat questlonnolr our job <strong>of</strong> studying <strong>Heraclitus</strong>' theology would be 1a!ge1ydone. So any detalled 6peclfic renarks about the neanlnS <strong>of</strong>ho theos fo! ll, rilI have-.to walt. Hol'ever, some lmportantgeneral coDr!en!s sti11 can be nade.Etrst, 1t ls almos! alirays vrong or at leas! nisleadlngto capl!alize'rgod"ln English when i! is a translatlon <strong>of</strong>theos. Engllsh usage <strong>of</strong> "cod" or "the cod" lnplles both aoneness and personal quality that a!e very rare ln coDtexts <strong>of</strong>pre-Chrlstian Greek literalure and philosophy, Nor do I thlnki!s capltallzatlon ts justlfied by stressing the "suptehacy"<strong>of</strong> one god over the others (as Gu!hrie clainslT) slnce in"cuthrie, 11,365 n.2. culhrle says this ln reference to Dlogenes<strong>of</strong> Apollonia for whon it is perhaps llore justifieal than in other6. It isfor this sane reason that "god" ls <strong>of</strong>ten capitalized when referring to thegod <strong>of</strong> Xenophanes, totally obscurlng the fact that Xenophaoes dellberatelyrefels to other gods even while desclibing tie suprene one (2lB 23). I-esscrltical scholars have even fouod a suprene "cod" in Thales -- the God<strong>of</strong> I'ater (Hack, Cod in cree! Phllos., IPrlnceron,l93l], 42).

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