2006 Water Comprehensive Plan - City of Bellevue

2006 Water Comprehensive Plan - City of Bellevue

2006 Water Comprehensive Plan - City of Bellevue

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While the CCR provides an annual “state-<strong>of</strong>-the-water” report, the Public Notification Rule(PNR) directs utilities in notifying customers <strong>of</strong> acute violations when they occur. The PNR wasrevised in May 2000 and outlines public notification requirements for violations <strong>of</strong> MCLs,treatment techniques, testing procedures, monitoring requirements, and violations <strong>of</strong> a varianceor exemption. If violations have the potential for “serious adverse effect,” consumers and theState must be notified within 24 hours <strong>of</strong> the violation. The notice must explain the violation,potential health effects, corrective actions, and whether consumers need to use an alternate watersource. Notice must be made by appropriate media or posted door-to-door. Less seriousviolations must be reported to consumers within 30 days, in an annual report, or by mail or directdelivery service within one year depending on the severity <strong>of</strong> the violation.<strong>Bellevue</strong> Status<strong>Bellevue</strong> is in compliance with the CCR Rule. Annual CCRs have been published as required byJuly 1 and provided to all customers via direct mail, the <strong>City</strong>’s website, and the <strong>City</strong>’s newsletter.No acute violations have occurred since the promulgation <strong>of</strong> these rules and therefore the PNRhas not been implemented.CUSTOMER CONCERNSAll water quality customer complaints <strong>Bellevue</strong> receives are routed directly to <strong>Water</strong> Qualitystaff. Complaints are recorded, and when the cause <strong>of</strong> the complaint is known, suggestions areprovided to the customer over the phone. If there is any question as to the cause <strong>of</strong> thecomplaint, appropriate action is taken and a <strong>Water</strong> Quality technician is immediately dispatchedto the home. Samples are taken if needed. Samples are analyzed by a certified laboratory for theappropriate parameters <strong>of</strong> concern.Review <strong>of</strong> customer complaint data provided between 1998 and 2004 indicates that <strong>Bellevue</strong>received less than 130 complaints per year during this time, resulting in approximately onecomplaint per thousand customers per year. The vast majority <strong>of</strong> these were associated withclarity <strong>of</strong> the water, caused by construction or main breaks occurring nearby. Taste and odorwere the second and third most common complaints. <strong>Bellevue</strong> maintains data on all customercomplaints in the drinking water quality database.LABORATORY CERTIFICATIONS<strong>Bellevue</strong> uses three State-certified laboratories to perform water quality testing. The contactinformation is listed below:Washington State Department <strong>of</strong> Health – Public Health Laboratories1610 NE 150 th StreetShoreline WA 98155-9701206-418-540010-9

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