Prestige SOLO 110.pdf - Bloom Lake Farms

Prestige SOLO 110.pdf - Bloom Lake Farms

Prestige SOLO 110.pdf - Bloom Lake Farms

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Outdoor Reset ControlCH Reset Curve Warmest Day(Parameter 12)This parameter is not applicable if an outdoorsensor is not connected to the boiler. When anoutdoor temperature sensor is connected, theCH Reset Curve Warmest Day is the warmestdesign temperature of the heating system.Entering MCBA Access CodeThe installer must enter the MCBA AccessCode to adjust the advanced parameter settingsof the MCBA. The Access Code can beentered as follows:1. Press the MODE button until the displayshows STbY.2. Press and hold the MODE and STEP buttonstogether for 2 to 3 seconds until thedisplay shows CODE.3. Press the STEP button once and the displaywill show C_XX where XX represents arandom number.4. Press the “+” or “–“ buttons to change thenumber displayed to read C_54.. Press andhold the “+” or “–“ button to rapidlychange the number.5. When the display reads C_54, press theSTORE button to save the Access Code.The display should flash to indicate that theAccess Code was saved.After the Access Code has been entered, theadvanced parameters can be accessed by pressingthe MODE button until the display showsPARA. Once the display shows PARA, pressthe STEP button to reach the appropriate parameter.The display should follow the followingsequence:Press STEP once- 1140Press STEP x2 - 2_01Press STEP x3 - 3_01Press STEP x4 - 4186Press STEP x5 - P_10Press STEP x6 - P_11Etc......After Parameter 4, the display will show P followedby the parameter number. Once a particularparameter is reached, the display willchange to show the current setting of that parameter.NOTICEThe actual parameter values displayedon the display may vary depending onthe application, but the sequence willalways occur in the order shown.Changing a Parameter Setting1. Use the “+” or “–“ button to change theparameter setting.2. Press the STORE button to save thechange. The display should flash to indicatethat the change was saved.3. Press the RESET button to leave the AccessCode mode.52

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