In-flight upset - 154 km west of Learmonth, WA, 7 October 2008,

In-flight upset - 154 km west of Learmonth, WA, 7 October 2008,

In-flight upset - 154 km west of Learmonth, WA, 7 October 2008,

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The redesigned CPU module was incorporated in all ADIRUs from serial number4385 (late 2002) onwards. The ADIRU manufacturer advised that it was also usedin some ADIRUs prior to serial number 4385, and it was incorporated when olderunits were returned for repair.3.5.3 S<strong>of</strong>tware versionThe ADIRU s<strong>of</strong>tware was changed from time to time as updates and improvementswere incorporated. At the time <strong>of</strong> manufacture, units 4167 and 4122 had s<strong>of</strong>twareversion -0312 installed. Updated versions were usually promulgated as optionalservice bulletins 140 , and operators could decide whether the advantages <strong>of</strong> installingan updated version <strong>of</strong> the s<strong>of</strong>tware were sufficient to justify the logistics <strong>of</strong>upgrading each aircraft (three ADIRUs per aircraft). The operator <strong>of</strong> QPA electednot to load s<strong>of</strong>tware versions -0313 and -0314 in any <strong>of</strong> their ADIRUs.S<strong>of</strong>tware version -0315 was loaded on unit 4167 on 20 July 2005 and was theversion installed at the time <strong>of</strong> the 12 September 2006 occurrence. S<strong>of</strong>tware version-0316 was released in August <strong>2008</strong>; it was the version installed on unit 4167 at thetime <strong>of</strong> the 7 <strong>October</strong> <strong>2008</strong> occurrence and it was also installed on unit 4122 at thetime <strong>of</strong> the 27 December <strong>2008</strong> occurrence. As far as could be determined, most <strong>of</strong>the LTN-101 ADIRUs had s<strong>of</strong>tware versions -0315 and/or -0316 installed.3.5.4 Service historiesDetails <strong>of</strong> the service histories <strong>of</strong> units 4167 and 4122 are summarised in Figure 46.Notable features include:• Unit 4122 was removed from service three times for examination (two times forreported drift problems 141 ), and unit 4167 was removed once. The removalfrequency was normal for this type <strong>of</strong> unit.• Both units experienced a similar type <strong>of</strong> fault early in their service life thatinvolved temperature sensor failures. <strong>In</strong> both cases, the manufacturer replacedthe sensor electronics module and performed a thermal calibration. These werethe only faults <strong>of</strong> this type experienced on the operator’s fleet; however, themanufacturer advised that it was not an uncommon fault, with 24 casesoccurring across the world fleet <strong>of</strong> LTN-101s during the period from 2006 to<strong>2008</strong>. Both units had many hours <strong>of</strong> service following these repairs.• <strong>In</strong> addition to removals, both units had been associated with reported IR and/orADR faults that did not require removal. Such faults were not unusual (section3.9.2).• Unit 4122 experienced an IR 1 fault in July <strong>2008</strong>, 5 months prior to the27 December <strong>2008</strong> data-spike occurrence. Available BITE data was consistentwith the fault being due to a type <strong>of</strong> SEE (section 3.6.6). The ADIRU140 Service bulletins are issued by aircraft, component, or engine manufacturers to provide operatorswith relevant service information. Not all service bulletins are safety-related, and compliance witha particular service bulletin can only be mandated by the State <strong>of</strong> Registry <strong>of</strong> an aircraft.141After many months or years <strong>of</strong> service, the drift rate <strong>of</strong> laser-ring gyro inertial systems can exceedthe allowable threshold and the unit needs to be re-calibrated. This is a relatively routinemaintenance requirement.- 132 -

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