STP 10-92A34-SM-TG Soldier's Manual and Trainer's ... - AskTOP

STP 10-92A34-SM-TG Soldier's Manual and Trainer's ... - AskTOP

STP 10-92A34-SM-TG Soldier's Manual and Trainer's ... - AskTOP


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<strong>STP</strong> <strong>10</strong>-<strong>92A34</strong>-<strong>SM</strong>-<strong>TG</strong>Performance Steps(h) Signature Block Support.(i) Stockage Information Support.(j) Serviceable Shipping RIC.(k) Unserviceable Shipping RIC.b. Manage updating a SARSS1 supported customer DODAAC.NOTE: At the SARSS2AC level, you can change a customer DODAAC Record only if the RIC-STA-SPTfor that customer identifies a SARSS1 site that is directly subordinate to the SARSS2AC, or if you arechanging the RIC-STA-SPT from a SARSS1 site that is not directly subordinate to a SARSS1 site that isdirectly subordinate to the SARSS2AC.NOTE: You cannot change the RIC-STA-SPT that identifies a SARSS1 site that is directlysubordinate to the SARSS2AC to one that identifies a SARSS1 site that is not directly subordinate to theSARSS2AC.(1) Manage updating SARSS1 parameters.(2) Manage the updating of the RIC related parameter records.c. Manage deleting a SARSS1 support customer DODAAC.2. Manage building a SARSS1 DODAAC. (Reference: AD<strong>SM</strong> 18-L1Q-AJP-ZZZ-EM, Section 25,paragraph 25.2.4.<strong>10</strong> <strong>and</strong> paragraph 25.26)a. Manage building a SARSS DODAAC.b. Manage updating a SARSS DODAAC.c. Manage deleting a SARSS DODAAC.d. Manage adding Integrated Logistics Analysis Program (ILAP).Evaluation Preparation: At the test site, provide all materials that are relevant to the task to includethose mentioned in the Conditions statement.Performance Measures GO NO-GO1. Managed building a supported SARSS1 customer DODAAC. —— ——2. Managed building a SARSS1 DODAAC. —— ——Evaluation Guidance: Score the Soldier GO if all performance measures are passed. Score the SoldierNO-GO if any performance measure is failed. If the Soldier scores a NO-GO, show the Soldier what wasdone wrong <strong>and</strong> how to do it correctly.ReferencesRequiredAD<strong>SM</strong> 18-L1Q-AJP-ZZZ-EMAR 725-50Related7 May 2008 3-41

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