Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011

Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011

Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011


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Microbiology with special reference to Pharmaceutical Sciences. Nomenclatureand classification of Micro-organisms.2. ORGANISMS: The Bacteria: General and cellular Morphology, structure andfunction. Classification of Bacteria. Growth curve, growth factors and growthcharacteristics. Nutrition, Requirements and Nutrition factors affecting growth.Culture Media, Bacterial cultures and staining Methods.The Viruses: Introduction, Classification (and detail of at least one species fromevery group), cultivation, and replication.3. THE FUNGI/YEAST/MOLDS.4. THE PROTOZOA.5. THE NORMAL FLORA: Microbiology of air, water and soil (generalintroduction and normal inhibitants of air, water, and soil).6. INDUSTRIAL MICROBIOLOGY: Introduction to Sterilization/ Disinfection.Fermentation. Pharmaceutical products produced by fermentation process(Penicillins, Cepalosporins, Gentamycin, Erythromycin, Tetracyclines,Rifamycin, Griseofulvin).7. IMMUNOLOGY: Introduction, Types of Immunity: Specific and non-specific(Cellular basis of Immune response. Immunity, autoimmunity, tolerance.Antigen. Anti-bodies). Antigen — Anti-body reactions and their clinical anddiagnostic applications. Hypersensitivity and allergy. Drug allergy mechanism.Vaccination: Introduction and aims. Types of Vaccines. Current vaccinepractices.8. FACTORYAND HOSPITAL HYGIENEANDGOODMANUFACT-URING PRACTICE:Introduction, Control of Microbial contamination during manufacture,Mnaufacture of Sterile products, A Guide to Current Good PharmaceuticalManufacturing Practices.9. INTRODUCTION TO DISEASES: Dengue fever, Bird flu, SARS, or otherprevailing diseases of bacteria and virus125 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation; www.pharmacistfed.pk,www.pharmafed.wordpress.com, www.pharmarev.com, info@pharmacistfed.pk,

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