Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011

Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011

Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011


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NOTE:- Practical of the subject shall be designed from time to time on the basis of the abovementioned theoretical topics and availability of the requirements, e.g. Varioustechniques to develop the formulation, Granulation technology, Study of drug deliverysystems, Biotechnological aspect of product development, In-vitro Quality Control ofvarious dosage forms. Microbial assay, Particle size analysis using various methods,Stability studies of Pharmaceuticals, Coating of particles and To prepare, examine andcontrol specifications of packaging materials.Recommended Books1. Anya M. Hellery, Drug delivery and targeting, 13 th Ed,Taylor & Francis, London, 2001.2. Joseph R Robinson Controlled drug delivery, Marcel & Dakker Inc, New York, 2ndEd.,1992.3. T V Ramabhadran, Pharmaceutical design and development, Ellis Horwood, New York,1994.4. M E Aulton, Pharmaceutics: Science of Dosage Forms Design, ELBS/ChurchillLivingstone, London, 1998.5. Banker, Modern pharmaceutics, Marchell Dakker Inc, New York, 2002.6. John A Bontempo, Development of biopharmaceutical parenteral dosage forms,Marchell Dakker Inc, New York, 1997.7. N K Jain, Controlled and Novel drug delivery, CBS Publishers & Distributers, NewDelhi, 2004.8. Ansel, Pharmaceutical Dosage Form in Drug Delivery System, Lee & Febiger,London,2004.9. Attaurahman and M I Chaudry, Bioassay techniques for drug development, CRC Press,LLC, USA, 2001.1 0.Pramod K Gupta, Inject able drug development, CRC Press, LLC, USA, 1999.11 .H John Smith, Introduction to the principals of drug design and action, 4 th Ed, CRCPress, LLC, USA, 2005.12. Rong Liu, Water Insoluble Drug Formulations, 2 nd Ed,CRC Press, LLC, USA, 2008.13.Peter Blaisdell, Twenty First Century Pharmaceutical Development. CRC Press, LLC,USA, 2000.14. Lachman, Theory and Practice of Industrial <strong>Pharmacy</strong>, 3 rd Ed,Verghese PublishingHouse, Bombay, 2009.167 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation; www.pharmacistfed.pk, www.pharmafed.wordpress.com,www.pharmarev.com, info@pharmacistfed.pk,

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