Beyond the cup. - Starbucks

Beyond the cup. - Starbucks

Beyond the cup. - Starbucks


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Broadening The <strong>Starbucks</strong>Foundation’s ImpactIn fiscal 2005, The Foundation’s staff and board thoroughlyevaluated its mission, giving strategy and focus areas todetermine whe<strong>the</strong>r its contributions are aligned with<strong>the</strong> increasingly global nature of <strong>Starbucks</strong> business.The board also considered how to support <strong>the</strong> MillenniumDevelopment Goals (MDGs), developed by <strong>the</strong> UnitedNations to improve <strong>the</strong> quality of life for people around<strong>the</strong> world. One focus of <strong>the</strong> MDGs is to increasepeople’s access to sustainable sources of clean water.After thoughtful evaluation, The Foundation has broadenedits focus to include global water issues and environmentalliteracy while maintaining a commitment to its coremission and partnerships with key organizations.The <strong>Starbucks</strong> Foundation’s newly established Ethos Water Fundsupports projects that improve access to clean drinking water incommunities where <strong>the</strong> need is great, such as this project in <strong>the</strong>Honduran village of Cholusnate.ETHOS WATER FUNDAccess to clean water is one of <strong>the</strong> most critical globalissues of our time. According to <strong>the</strong> World HealthOrganization, 1.1 billion people worldwide lack accessto safe drinking water.Through <strong>the</strong> acquisition of <strong>the</strong> Ethos Water brand in April2005, <strong>Starbucks</strong> embarked on a multi-year effort to fight<strong>the</strong> world water crisis and to help children and communitiesaround <strong>the</strong> world get access to clean drinking water. Foreach bottle of Ethos water sold, five cents is donatedtoward <strong>Starbucks</strong> goal of contributing at least $10 millionover <strong>the</strong> next five years to help alleviate <strong>the</strong> world watercrisis. The newly created Ethos Water Fund will be housedwithin and directed by The <strong>Starbucks</strong> Foundation to supportnonprofit and nongovernmental organizations working tobring clean water to those in need around <strong>the</strong> world.Prior to being acquired by <strong>Starbucks</strong>, Ethos had alreadyestablished relationships with organizations involved inthis work, such as UNICEF, CARE, WaterAid and WaterPartners International. Funding priority will be given tointegrated and sustainable water projects that positivelyimpact <strong>the</strong> lives of children and <strong>the</strong>ir communities. Formore information about Ethos Water, see page 30.SUPPORTING YOUTH:ARTS AND LITERACY, ENVIRONMENTAL LITERACYBuilding on its history of supporting literacy organizations,The <strong>Starbucks</strong> Foundation launched an expanded regionalgrant program in 2005. The new program called GivingVoice focuses on literacy for <strong>the</strong> 21st century, beginningwith <strong>the</strong> mastery of basic skills for <strong>the</strong> purpose of personaland civic transformation. This regional program fundsorganizations that serve youth, ages 6–18, throughprogramming that integrates literacy with personal and civicaction in <strong>the</strong> communities where <strong>the</strong>y live. As part of thisexpansion, The Foundation added a focus on environmentalliteracy and began funding organizations that help addressenvironmental literacy and empower youth to be localchampions for a sustainable environment. Giving Voicegrants, ranging from $5,000–$20,000, will be awardedbiannually to organizations in <strong>the</strong> U.S. and Canada. Morethan $1 million in grants will be awarded in <strong>the</strong> program’sfirst round of funding.KEY PARTNERSHIPSIn addition to The Foundation’s continued support oftwo North American youth organizations – Jumpstartand America SCORES – in 2005 <strong>the</strong> Giving Voice grantprogram introduced a new partnership with Earth DayNetwork, an environmental education organization. EarthDay Network’s mission is to broaden <strong>the</strong> environmentalmovement worldwide and to educate and mobilize people,governments and corporations to take responsibility forprotecting our planet. The Foundation’s partnership focuseson Earth Day Network’s new Civic Education Project thatteaches and promotes civic engagement in <strong>the</strong> classroom byhighlighting local environmental issues and concerns.More information about The Foundation, including <strong>the</strong> newgrant guidelines and a listing of grant recipients, is availableonline at www.starbucks.com/foundation.45SOCIETY

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