natural, history

natural, history

natural, history


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This species is close to the Fijian E. defensa Meyrick but is readily distinguishedsuperficially; defensa does not have the latero-dorsal black patch on the second segmentof the labial pal pus, and its general coloration, especially of the fore wing, isdarker and the postmedian fascia on the fore wing is fuscous-black and is discernibleonly towards the inner margin (dorsum).lO. Bactra coronata DiakonoffBaetra eoronata Diakonoff, 1950, Bull. Brit. Mus. (nat. Hist.), Ent., I: 286, pI. 5,Fig. 17.Hutuna, 30. x.-2. xi. 1953, at light, 10.Distribution: Java, E. Borneo and Philippine Is.I I. Lobesia aeolopa MeyrickLobesia ae%pa Meyrick, 1907, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 17: 976.Lobesia proterandra Meyrick, 1921, Zoo I. Meded. Mus. Leiden, 6: 155.Lobesia dryopella Meyrick, 1932, Exotic Microlepidoptera, 4: 225.Lobesia eustales Bradley, 1956, Bull. Brit. Mus. (nat. Hist.), Ent.,4: 146, Fig. t. Syn. nov.Hutuna, X., I:.); Hutuna, xi., 2 ¥; at light. This is a very variable species in colorationand markings and is best identified by the genitalia. The larva is polyphagous,feeding in the fruits and flowers.Distribution: India, Ceylon, Java, Formosa, Burma, Solomon Is., Lord Howe I.,Africa (Uganda, Nyasaland, Cape Colony), Sao Thome I., and Madagascar.12. Argyroploce discana (Felder)Tortrix diseana Felder, 1874, Reise Novara, Heterocera, pI. 137, fig. 41.Kasipa Hill, c: 300 ft., 29. x., at light, 10.Distribution: India, China, Java, Moluccas and Solomon Is.13. Argyroploce ancosema solomonensis ssp. n. (Figs. 6, 43-46)Argyroploee aneosema Meyrick, 1932, Exotic Microlepidoptera, 4: 310.Differing notably from the nominate race by the distinct break at the middle of themedial fascia on the fore wing. In aneosema the fascia is unbroken and is sharplyangled beneath the middle of the disc and terminates in a rounded blotch beforethe apex. The male genitalia of the two races show little difference in structure.Type 0: Rennelll., Hutuna, 18-25. x. 1953, at light. Genitalia slide B. M. 3577.Paratypes: Hutuna, x. and xi., 30,6

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