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Crystallopsis (Crystallopsis) hunteri (Cox)(Plate 16, fig. 3)Helix hunteri Cox 1871, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 646, pl. 52, fig. II, (Guadalcanal);DoHRN, 1880, in Conchy. Cabinet, (2), 1, pt. 12, sec. 4, p. 583, pI. 172,fig. 5-6.Helix allasteri Cox 1873, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 564 (Solomon Islands).Helix aggiei v. HEIMBURG 1890, Nach. der Deut. Malak. Gesell., 22: 191 (SolomonIslands).Cochlostyla (Corasia) hunteri Cox, PILSBRY 1891, Man. of Conch. (2), 7: 105, pl. 13,fig. 41, 44, 45.Cochlostyla (Corasia) allisteri [err. typ.] Cox, PILSBRY 1891, Man. of Conch. (2),7: 106.Cochlostyla (Crystallopsis) aggiei v. Heimburg, PILSBRY 1892, Man. of Conch. (2),8: 244, pI. 57, fig. 7-9.Helicostyla (Crystallopsis) hunteri Cox, PILSBRY, 1894, Man. of Conch. (2), 9: 220.Crystallopsis hunter; Cox, CLAPP, 1923, Bul!. Mus. Compo Zoo!., 65: 396.Remarks. The only widely umbilicated species in the genus. The transition of thischaracter between species is exhibited by a partially closed rimately shaped orificein C. crystal/ina and nearly obsolete in C.fictilia Clapp. Angle of spire 118°. Apertur'!forming an angle of 55: with the horizontal base line. Paratypes of this species are inthe Museum of Comparative Zoology, no. 47826.Cr)'Stallopsis al/asteri Cox is only C. hunteri Cox with a few, narrow, spiral bandsof opaque white. This same character is also found in other species and it appears tobe relatively rare and of a sporadic occurrence.Specimens examined. Guadalcanal.Crystallopsis (CrystaUopsis) crystallina, new species(Plate 16, fig. 5)Description. Shell semi-globose to subquadrate, thin, shining, translucent,rimately umbilicate, carinate. Color pale horn, crystalline. A narrow milk-whiteband superimposed over the carina. A second narrow milkwhite band is developedsubsuturally in nearly all of the adult shells. Whorls slightly convex, 3'/t to 3 3 /"definitely though not abruptly carinate. Nuclear whorl not indicated by any character.Spire obtuse and produced at about 1100. depressed. Aperture subquadrate, large,cast at an angle of 40° from the horizontal. Lip well reflected, milk white. A verythin callus is developed on the parietal wall. Columella rather short, slightly outwardlyarched and more or less abruptly angled with the parietal area. Columellarfold free at the basal edge, producing the narrow umbilical rimation. Suture slightlyimpressed, sharply defined by the subsutural white band. Sculpture of fine, irregularlyspaced growth lines. Very fine spiral lines indicated on all but the last half of the bodywhorl.182

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