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and in having the marginal spines of the tergites numerous and close-set insteadof nearly absent.Type spe.:ies. - Phanothereua birket-smithi new species.,.Phanotbereua birket-smithi new speciesDorsum dark green at sides, a wide mid-dorsal longitudinally bifid stripe of lightercolor. Second tarsi and antennae ferruginous.Articles of antennae very short in proportion to width. First division of antennaecomposed of about thirty-five articles; articles of second division about seventy-fivein number, terminal portion of antennae broken off in the type and full number ofarticles thus uncertain.Spines of the tergites rather slenderly acute. numerous over entire surface includingthe stoma saddles. close-set on margins.Caudal excision of tergites deep. angular; stoma short and extending into thecavity.Fourth legs with first tarsus composed of ten articles, the second division of twenty-one articles. In the ninth legs the second tarsus is composed of twenty-eight articles:in the first division of the tarsu~ the first article is long. comprising nearly half thetotal length. with distad of it three ordinary articles., Anal styles of the male slender. nearly straight. those of anterior and posteriorpairs approximately equal in length.length II mm.St.: L. 35 I, Rennellld .. lavanggu, coconut grove. in coarse grass, 13 Oct. 1951 - I :3.This species is named for Dr. KAJ BIRKET-SMITH. Ethnologist of the DanishRennell Island Expedition.IFAMILY CRYPTOPIDAECryptops niuensis ChamberlinCryptops niuensis Chamberlin. 1920. Bull. Mus. Zoology. 64. No. I. p. 5.St.: L. 351, Rennell Id., Lavanggu, in coarse grass. 13 Oct. 1951: L. 352, Lavanggu,under stones and plant debris, 14 Oct. 1951 - -+ specimens: L. 390. Lavanggu,young forest on previously cultivated ground. 29 Oct. 1951 - I specimen.Widespread in the Solomons as well as in the Fijian and Hervey Is.FAM IlY SCOLOPENDRIDAECormocephalus (Cupipes) propulsus (Chamberlin)Cupip'e~' propulsus Chamberlin. 1920. Bull. Mus. Compo Zoology. 64, No. I. p. 24.All stations on Rennell rd. SI.: L. 351. lavanggu. in coarse grass and on earth,13 Oct. 1951 - 2 specimens: L. 357. Lavanggu. cultivated area with Papaya.15 Oct. 1951 - I specimen; L. 389. lavanggu. Pandanus grove on bare coralrock, 27 Oct. 1951 - 1 specimen; L. 379. Niupani. lake Te-Nggano. sun-exposedgrass plain near lake, 24 Oct. 1951 - I specimen.Previously known from various localities in the Solomons.• 211

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