natural, history

natural, history

natural, history


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14. ArgyropJoce parasema MeyrickArgyroploce parasema Meyrick, 1911, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W., 36: 267.Hutuna, 18-25. x., at light, 1 ~.Distribution: Solomon Is.15. Cryptopblebia iridosoma (Meyrick)Argyroploce iridosoma Meyrick, 1911, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W., 36: 264.Cryptophlebia iridosoma (Meyrick), Bradley, 1952, Bull. ent. Res., 43: 684.Hutuna, 12. xi., at light, I ~.Distribution: Queensland and Rossel I.16. CryptopbJebia pallifimbriana BradleyCryptophTebia paTliftmbriana Bradley, 1952, Bull. ent. Res., 43: 688.Hutuna, 30. x.-2. xi., I ~, I ~; Tingoa, 9-11. xi., 23.Distribution: New Guinea, Vulcan I., Austral Is., New Hebrides, Society Is., Marquesas,Fiji and Tahiti. The larva feeds on Ivi fruit (lnocarpus edulis).Eleutbodema gen. n. (Figs. 74, 75)Labial palpus porrect, second segment tufted beneath at apex, terminal segment moderate.Head loosely scaled, scales projecting between the antennae. Tongue very short.Antenna simple in female, shaft scaled, minutely ciliated in male. Fore wing with allveins present, 3 and 4 connate, 7 to termen, 9 from upper angle of cell, a weak partingvein in cell from little before vetin 10 to between veins 7 and 8. Hind wing withveins 3 and 4 connate, 5 approximate, cell open between veins 5 and 6, 6 and 7 connateor short stalked.Male genitalia: Valva broad basally; sacculus narrow, produced distally; uncussimple.Female genitalia: Ostial plate heavily sclerotized, quadrate, lateral margins producedcaudally. Bursa copulatrix elongate, entirely membranous and without signum.Type species: Polychrosis pedias Meyrick.This genus is erected to accommodate Po~rchrosis pedias Meyrick, study of examplesfrom Rennell I. having shown that this species does not properly belong in thegenus Po~rchrosis Ragonot. The new genus in which pedias is now placed is related tothe large compound genus Laspeyresia Hubner, from which it may for the presentperhaps be best separated by differences in the structure of the male genitalia, inparticular by the great width of the basal section of the valva in relation to the cucul­Ius in Eleuthodema, the reverse to the comparable development of these structures intypical Laspeyresia species; and by the well developed sacculus in ElellThodema incontrast to the poor development of this structure in Laspeyresia.95

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