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Issued 15. December 1958.20. A NEW SUB-SPECIES OF HASORA HURAMABUTLER (LEPIDOPTERA: HESPERIIDAE)BYTHE LATE BRIGADIER W. H. EVANSHONORARY ASSOCIATE, BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY)Hasora hurama sub-species nov. dianaType d: "Rennell Island, Hutuna, 12-18. xi. 1953, J. D. BRADLEY" in the BritishMuseum (Natural History). (Named after his wife, Mrs. J. D. BRADLEY).Paratypes: 8 d, 8 ~, "Rennelllsiand; 3 0,9 tj', "Bellona Island" (Brit. Exp.).As shown in the illustrations on Plate 13 diana differs from the Solomon Islandssub-species kieta Strand, the underside having a conspicuous white pre-apical bandin both sexes on the fore wing, as well as a whitish subtornal area, and the hind winghaving a very broad white band, up to 7 mm centrally, features much less pronouncedin ssp. kieta Strand. It is a very distinct sub-species.No other Hesperiidae were collected by the Danish or by the British Expeditionsto Rennell Island.

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