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natural, history

natural, history


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Episalus zepllyrinus Gerstaecker, 1884St. L. 356, Lavanggu, 19 .• Oct. 1951 - 1 ~ (Dan. Exp.).Distribution: Tenimber, New Guinea, New Britain.Myrmeleon celebensis McLachlan, 1875St. L. 356. Lavanggu, 18. Oct. 1951 - I ~ (Dan. Exp.).Distribution: Malaya, Celebes, Sumatra, New Guinea, Aru Islands, New Hebrides,Solomon Islands.Myrmeleonidae larvaeSt. L. 354, Lavanggu, 13. Oct. 1951 - 17 examples (Dan. Exp.).FAMILY CHRYSOPIDAEChrysopidae larvaeSt. L. 356, Lavanggu, 19. Oct. 1951 - 2 examples (Dan. Exp.).TRICHOPTERAFAMILY LEPTOCERIDAENotanatolica magna (Walker, 1852)St. L. 383, Lake Te-Nggano, from stomach of Australian Grey Duck (Anas superciliosapelell"ensis). 22. Oct. 1951 - fragments of 7 larvae (Dan, Exp.)St. L. 385, Niupani, at Lake Te·Nggano, 23. Oct. 1951 - 1 ~ (Dan. Exp.)St. L. 387, Niupani, bottom of lake near shore, 23. Oct. 1951 - 3 pupal cases (Dan.Exp.)Hutuna, 25. J 28. Oct. 1953 - 30',2:;; (Brit. Exp.)Tingoa, 9.-11. Nov. 1953 - I ¥ (Brit. Exp.).Widely distributed from India to China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, etc.SUMMARYThis paper records the species of Odonata, Neuroptera and Trichoptera collected bythe Danish and British Expeditions to Rennell Island. No new species are described,almost all are widely distributed and not one is endemic to Rennell Island.REFERENCELIEFTINCK, M. A., 1949: Synopsis of the Odonate fauna of the Bismarck Archipelagoand the Solomon Islands. - Treubia 20 (2): 319-374.70

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