natural, history

natural, history

natural, history


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Locality and dateTable 2 (contd.)Systematic position, andnumber collectedLocal name (italicizedwhen dilfer'ent from theversion published byWOLFF, 1955, and followedin parentheses bythe name he gives).Te Uhungango. 20 Aug. 53RENNELLFISH ESChrysiplera (0= Abudefdufl biocellata(Quoy & Gaimard) (Pomacenlridae) (2)Chryjiplera (~. Abudefduh glauca(Cuvier & Valenciennes) (Pomacentridae) (3)• ChrySipfera amabilis (De Vis)(Pomacentridae) C!)• Thalassomu IImbrosfygma (Riippell)(Labridae) (4)• Tripferygion punclulmus (Herre)(Clinidae) (I)• Salarias periophfhalmus (Cuvier & Valenciennes)(Blenniidae) (3)• Salarias edenfUlus (Bloch & Schneider)(Blenniidae) (I)Salarias sp. (Blennidae) (23)Acanthurus Iriosfegus (L.) (Acanthuridae) (8)• Anlennarills sp.? (Antennariidae) II)No local names werenoted for any fishesLavanggu, 18 Aug. 1953LakeTe-Nggano, J 9 Aug. 53Te Uhungango, 20 Aug. 53BIRDSCillorhynchus hamlin; (Mayr)(Muscicapidae) (I)Threskiornis molucca pygmaells Mayr(Threskiornithidae) (J)Anas superciliom pelewensis (Hartlaub &Finsch) (Anatidae) (I)Cillorhynchus hamlin; (Mayr)(Muscicapidae) (I)Chalcifes lucidus harlerli Mayr(Cuculidae) (2)Halcyon chloris amoena Mayr(Alcedinidae) (I)Rhiphiduru rennellianu Mayr(Muscicapidae) (3)Gery!(one jfavolalerali.v cilrina Mayr(Muscicapidae) (I)Myzomela cardinalis sanfordi Mayr(Meliphagidae) (I)Woodfordia supercilio.fa North(Zosteropidae) (3)Zosterops rt'nnelliana Murphy(Zosteropidae) (I)Ie wowoviuIe tagoaIe gamanagite wowoviuIe fanghioi (tangione)Ie ligoIe mangigape (te magigape)Ie lokelokeIe vagiwote gagaIe sesuvangu (te susuvangu)

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