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Helix (Chloritisj erinaceus Pfeiffer, PILSBRY 1890, Man. of Conch., (2), 6: 251, pI.52, fig. 88-89.Chloritis (Ohloritisj eustoma Pfeiffer, PILSBRV 1894, Man. of Conch., (2), 9: 120.Chloritis (Chloritis) erinaceus Pfeiffer, PILSBRY 1894, Man. of Conch., (2), 9: 120.Chloritis eustoma Pfeiffer, GUDE 1906, Proc. Mala. Soc. London, 7: 43: I. and B.RENSCH 1935, Revue Suisse de Zoologie 42: 71.Chloritis (Eustomopsis) eustoma Pfeiffer, GUDE 1906, Proc. Mala. Soc. London, 7:112; CLAPP 1923, Bul!. Mus. Compo ZooL, 65: 61, text fig. 25-27, (radula andreproductive organs).Chloritis eustoma var. erinaceus Pfeiffer, GUDE 1906, Proc. Mala. Soc. London, 7: 44.Chloritis (Eustomopsisj eustoma erinaceus Pfeiffer. GUDE 1906, Proc. Mala. Soc.London, 7: 112.Chloritis cOllomphala GUDE 1907. Proc. Mala. Soc. London. 7: 229, pI. 21. fig. I a-d;CLAPP 1923, Bull. Mus. Compo Zoo!., 65: 381.Remar ks. This species is well distributed throughout the Solomon Islands andpossibly the Bismark Archipelago. The two names euslOma and erinaceus unquestionablyrefer to the same species. A large amount of material was obtained byEVERDAM from most of the localities visited by the Whitney Expedition while in theIslands. There is a fairly wide range in size and shape in each colony and differentcblonies vary slightly in general shell outline. SMITH (1885. p. 594) believed them tobe the same, though DOHRN (1881, p. 602) and PILSBRY (1890, p. 251) held themdistinct. GUDE. however. took a middle course and considered erinaceus to be avariety of eustoma. The availability of a "ery large series of this species for studywould indicate the correctness of SMITH'S opinion.Chloritis moellendorJfi (Ancey) is listed by GUDE (1906. p. 44) from Rubiana, NewGeorgia. This identification was probably based upon a specimen of C. eustomapossessing a slightly raised spire. AI'CEY'S species was described from Tuom Islandin the Siassi Islands off northern New Guinea.I fail to see where C. cOllomphala Gude differs from this species. The figures byGUDE and specimens in the Museum of Compa:ative Zoology supplied by Cox.from whom GUDE received his material. agree in all details with any usual series ofthis form. The collection of this group made by EYER DAM shows that there is a certainflexibility in general shape in each colony and that these varieties do not possessspecific or even subspecific value.A sinistral specimen is recorded by GLUE (1907. p. 228).Specimens examined. Bougainville: Kieta. Choiseul' Bambatana; Choiseu~Bay: Wunulata River. Florida: Tulagi. Gizo Island. Guadalcanal: Aola;Domma: Marassa: Nalimbu. Malaita: Auki: Aurola: Kirarambara: Su'u. NewGeorgia: Marovo Lagoon; Rubiana. Rendova Island. San Cristobal: Waiai;Kira Kira. Santa Ana. Shortland Island. Ugi Island. Ulawa Island.Ysabel: Fulakora.

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