natural, history

natural, history

natural, history


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51. Acrocercops albidorsella sp. n. (Figs. 22,98, 101)J 8 mm. Labial palpus with second segment tufted beneath, wholly white exceptexterior and underside of first and second segments which are dark fuscous exceptthe apex of the second segment and the long projecting hairs immediately below theapex forming the anterior part of the tuft, these being white. Antenna fuscous, scapewhite. Fore wing with a broad white"inner margin, remainder of wing white solidlyoverlaid with fuscous-black, edge of costa white towards apex, a thin oblique whiteline from costa a little before apex, a diffuse blackish infuscation beneath this whiteline and in the apical area beyond, a blackish stigma at 3/5 in the division between thewhite inner margin and the infuscate costal part of the wing, three or four small blackdots or dashes along this dividing line towards the base; cilia white, a diffuse fuscousblacksub-terminal line. Hind wing fuscous; cilia grayish. Legs white, marked exteriorlywith broad oblique fuscous-black stripes.Male genitalia: Figs. 98, 101.TypeJ: Rennell I., Hutuna, 18-25, x. 1953. Genitalia slide B. M. 4593.Para types : Hutuna, 1-5. xi., I ex.; Tingoa, 9-11. x., 1 ex.; Niupani, 23. xi., I ex.Near to brachyg~l'pta Meyrick; readily distinguished by the white inner marginof the fore wing.52. Acrocercops apiceUa sp. n. (Figs. 23, 100, 106)d Cj! 7-9 mm. Labial palpus white, suffused with grayish fuscous exteriorly. Maxillarypalpus well developed, white. Head and thorax white. Tegula white, heavily suffusedwith grayish fuscous anteriorly. Antenna sordid white, scape white. Fore wing narrow,obtusely pointed; white, markings irrorate. fuscous; base of costa irrorate withfuscous; irrorate dark fuscous fatiCiae at 1/3, middle and 3/4, outward oblique fromcosta with margins straight and well'defined to middle, the first and second fasciaeacutely and the third fascia obtusely angled inwards at middle and becoming brokenand diffuse with only the distal edges definable towards the inner margin; two subparalleldirect transverse fuscous lines following outer fascia, an elongate patch ofochraceous-buff from apex to second fuscous line, containing a conspicuous blackspot anteriorly; a thin black line along edge of termen and around apex: cilia white,tipped with fuscous above apex. Hind wing grayish; cilia grayish tinged with ochraceous-buff.Abdomen white suffused with smoke gray above. white below. Legswhite, banded with fuscous-black.Male genitalia: Fig. 100. Saccus moderately long. rod-like througrout its length.Aedoeagus with a small apical thorn, vesica armed with a double row of cornuti.Female genitalia: Fig. 106. Ovipositor serrate at tip. Ostium medial, moderatelybroad. Bursa copulatrix with a small elliptical flat signum, thickened along oneside.Typed': Rennell I, Hutuna, 18-25. x. 1953. Genitalia slide B. M. 4297.Paratypes: Hutuna, x. and xi., 4 ex.: Onegaguga. x., 2 ex.Superficially nearest to the endemic Fijian species habroscia Meyrick which isa larger species with a wing expanse of 11-12 mm.107

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