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Related more closely to c. cornuta Warren (1896) from the Louisiade Archipelagothan to c. woodfordi Prout (1934) from Tulagi and Guadalc~nal Islands. Differs fromc. cornuta in the very pale, microcline green colour of the wings and the very slenderand sharply marked red and black distal margins of the wings .. STERRHINAEAnisodes obliviaria WalkerAnisodes obliviaria Walker, 1861, List lep. Ins. B. M., 22: 643.Anisodes suspicaria Snellen, 1881, Tijdschr. Ent., 24: 80, pI. 8: 6-6c.Perixera rufidorsata Warren, 1896, Novit. zool., 3: 312.Perixera rufannularia Warren, 1897, Novit. zool., 4: 221.Hutuna, 2 ~. Bellona I., Matahenua, I :).Distribution: India; Ceylon; Burma; Philippine Is.; Malaya to N. Queensland; BismarckArchipelago; Solomon Is.; New Hebrides; Samoa; Fiji.Anisodes mooetaria ceramis (Meyrick)Perixera ceramis Meyrick, 1886, Trans. ent. Soc. Lond., 1886: 209.Perixera leucopelta Lower, 1898, Proc. linn. Soc. N. S. W., 23: 42.Brachycola ? inornata Warren, 1897, Novit. zool., 4: 216.Hutuna, I J.Distribution: Celebes to Queensland; Bismarck Archipelago; Solomon Is.Scopola xanthomeIaeoa sp.n. (Figs. 14-16, 79)Rennell I., Hutuna, 1-8. xi. 1;53, (1. D. BRADLEY), holotype J.Paratypes: type locality, 5 cJ; Onegaghugha, 53.

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