END TIME - God's Puzzle Solved

END TIME - God's Puzzle Solved

END TIME - God's Puzzle Solved


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ALL THINGS NEW61destroy the flesh (human nature). Only The Spirit willremain (Ecclesiastes 12).When the dead are resurrected in their human bodies,they are judged and there will be some who gointo The Kingdom, while others go into The Lake ofFire. Those going into The Lake of Fire are destroyedas humans; only their spiritual bodies are left. Thereis no more sin because no more flesh exists. Once theflesh is destroyed, sin is, therefore, destroyed. Youare, then, sinless and clean.John, The Baptist told you there are two types of baptism,“I indeed baptize you with water to repentance:but he that comes after me is mightier then I, whoseshoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you withthe Holy Spirit and with fire” (Matthew 3:11). Do youget it?Both water and fire are forms of baptisms. Waterbaptism is the cleansing of the body while fire purgesthe body. The water baptism is a process of cleansing,a person from a sick, dying human body, as aprocess from death to Eternal Life (Romans 6:2-4).Fire, instantly, purges your sins by the destruction ofthe entire human body (Isaiah 6). Sin can no longerreign over you and you, then, can spiritually grow likeChrist.You are ready to conclude this nonfiction story as towhy Jesus, as King of Kings, returns God’s Kingdomto God, “And when all things [enemies even death] shallbe subdued to him, then shall the Son also himself be

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