END TIME - God's Puzzle Solved

END TIME - God's Puzzle Solved

END TIME - God's Puzzle Solved


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CONSTANTINE THE GREAT15ments are doing today and not having to correct thereal fiscal problem.This was Satan’s plan. He moved his seat, during TheDays of The Seven Churches, centered in Pergamos,(modern-day Turkey) exactly, aligning with Constantine’sstrategy for a New Rome.All Satan had to do was keep The Seven Churches corruptedwith false doctrinal teachings.Christ hated The Nicolantines which took over HisChurches. They were doing exactly what Paul condemnedThe Jerusalem Church for doing. Men creptin to control The Churches of God. Christ had tostop His immediate return and delayed John’s writinguntil The Seventh Trump sounds and The SevenLast Plagues are unleashed (Revelation 10:7). Historyand The Bible are a perfect fit and both confirm theother. Religion, a strong worldly force, needed to becontrolled by Satan.From the time of The Bishops controlling The SevenChurches, each church had their own spiritual problemsand, therefore, Christ could not return. HisBride had to grow until she was ready “spiritually.”At Satan’s great sea, The Mediterranean, anotherbeast was spawned. Both spiritual, (a lamb and military),like Rome were to unite. This beast was a combinationof a lamb and a military beast (Rome). Soa form of Christianity and “a military Rome wouldunite,” “And he does great wonders, so that he makes

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