Local Transport Plan 3 - Worcestershire County Council

Local Transport Plan 3 - Worcestershire County Council

Local Transport Plan 3 - Worcestershire County Council


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The <strong>Worcestershire</strong> LTP3 Asset Management Objective is:The <strong>Worcestershire</strong> transport asset (which includes roads, bridges, street furniture, traffic management,drainage and passenger transport infrastructure) is critically important to the social and economicwellbeing of <strong>Worcestershire</strong>. A <strong>Worcestershire</strong> <strong>Transport</strong> Asset Management <strong>Plan</strong> has been developed aspart of the LTP3, to set out how this critical asset will be efficiently managed. The Asset Managementobjective, unlike the other LTP3 objectives, is more specifically transport focussed.The county has a number of large rivers, including the Severn, the Avon and the Teme, which drain a largearea of western England and central Wales. These act as barriers across the county, limiting accessibility(particularly on an east-west axis). As a result, the highway network focuses on the relatively small numberof bridges which exist over these watercourses, creating strategic 'pinch points' on our transportnetworks. There is a real need to safeguard, enhance and promote new river crossing opportunities in thecounty, including walking and cycling bridges (such as the Diglis Bridge) as well as motor vehicle crossings.The management of our transport asset will be reliant on:The ability of <strong>Worcestershire</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> to effectively prioritise and spend funds to maintain andenhance <strong>Worcestershire</strong>'s <strong>Transport</strong> AssetContinue to embrace more efficient working practices (such as standardisation of methods andmaterials) to reduce both the costs of maintaining <strong>Worcestershire</strong>'s transport asset and the need toundertake maintenance works.Table 1.8 below identifies a number of aims focussed on maintaining and enhancing <strong>Worcestershire</strong>'stransport asset, together with the LTP3 policies which will enable each aim to be realised. It should benoted that whilst <strong>Worcestershire</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> owns and maintains the majority of the highwaynetwork, there are a number of other organisations that are responsible for the maintenance of transportinfrastructure in <strong>Worcestershire</strong>. These include the Highways Agency, Network Rail, British Waterwaysand some private landowners.

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