Local Transport Plan 3 - Worcestershire County Council

Local Transport Plan 3 - Worcestershire County Council

Local Transport Plan 3 - Worcestershire County Council


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RegionalGrowth Fund /Developer /HA/LTP/MaintenanceA proposed scheme to improve the capacity ofM5 Junction 6. This scheme will includeenhancements to both the junction and theapproaches, together with the provision of theSixways sustainable transport link. This schemecould increase the efficiency of the operation ofM5 Junction 6 and divert bus and coachmovements away from this busy junction.MEDIUMMEDIUMRiskassociatedwithstakeholders, costs andfunding.SHORTMajor Scheme(DfT) /Developers /LTPThis proposed scheme includes enhancements tothe Ketch and Norton junctions and theirapproaches on the Worcester Southern LinkRoad. The scheme would increase the capacity ofthe Southern Link Road and deal with currentcongestion and journey reliability problems.HIGHMEDIUMRiskassociatedwithstakeholders, costs andfunding.SHORTDevelopers /LTPA proposed scheme to improve capacity ofWhittington Junction on the Worcester SouthernLink Road. This scheme would includeenhancements to both the junction and theapproaches and will increase the capacity of theSouthern Link Road and deal with currentcongestion and journey reliability problems.MEDIUMMEDIUMRiskassociatedwith costs,funding anddevelopersSHORTMaintenance /LTP /DevelopersThis proposed scheme would involvemaintenance and upgrading of this busy junctionto improve its efficiency. It is proposed that aMOVA intelligent traffic signal control systemwould be installed to improve capacity at thisjunction.LOWLOWLow RiskSchemeMEDIUM

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